Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 66, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Research institutes

The Berdyansk State Pedagogical University is a modern higher education institution, a center of education, science, and culture in the Northern Azov region, a multi-disciplinary educational and scientific complex, within which operate research institutes:


  • In the Institute of Nanotechnology (Director – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yana Sychikova), fundamental research is carried out funded by the state budget and the “Cambridge – NFDU 2022. Individual Grants for Research (Developments) for Ukrainian Scientists (supported by the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)” program. International research with synchrotron radiation is conducted, and there is collaboration with foreign colleagues within the framework of COST Actions CA20129 – Multiscale Radiation and Chemistry, Processes Driven and Associated Technologies (MultIChem) and COST Action CA20126 – Research Network, Innovation and Product Development in Porous Semiconductors and Oxides (NETPORE), as well as with the Max IV Beamline “FinEstBeAMS” Proposal ID 20220500, DESY Photon Science PETRA III beamline P66, and the League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources – LEAPS – National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS.
  • In the Research Institute of Historical Urban Studies (Director – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Victoria Konstantinova), multi-faceted scientific research is conducted on urban history oral historical studies with the formation of an archive of oral history interviews; work is carried out as part of the editorial board and authors of the historical-cultural almanac “Frontiers of the City”; a repository of film documents on urban history is being formed. The public activity of the institute is aimed at popularizing the history of cities and at the interaction of scholars with society.


Since 2011, the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (BDPU) has operated an Archaeological Laboratory. Over the years, numerous studies and expeditions have been carried out not only in Ukraine but also abroad (Biala, Bulgaria). The first area of the laboratory’s work involves archaeological surveys and excavations, and the second – the preparation of scientific reports and publications on the work conducted. Annual scientific reports (as manuscripts) are provided to the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) and are stored in the scientific archive.


Within the Department of Social Communications, there are Laboratories For Radio Journalism And Television Journalism, which allow students of the Journalism specialty 061 to develop practical skills in creating radio and television programs within the course “Journalistic Profession”. These laboratories also serve as a platform for organizing activities for the student internet radio “Crazy Wave” and the student television channel StudMedia BDPU.


The Educational and Speech Therapy Laboratory is a structural unit of the Faculty of Preschool, Special, and Social Education, created for the application by students of the specialty 016 Special Education of their theoretical knowledge during the provision of corrective-developmental assistance to children with functional speech disorders, conducting consultative and educational activities among the population, testing scientific research, and conducting the pedagogical experiment of the research work without interruption from training.