Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 66, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Liudmyla Zolotar

Senior Lecturer

кандидат історичних наук


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The Spheres of Scientific Interests: history of roads, history of transport, regional history.


Teaches disciplines: history of Ukrainian culture, gender studies, history of Ukraine, ethnography and ethnology.




Main scientific works:

  1. Zolotar L.M. Construction and functioning of network of main roads of Taurida Governorate in the second half of ХІХ – beginning ХХ centuries. Collection of scientific papers Sworld: proceedings of international research and practice conference «Contemporary problems and ways of their resolving in science, transport, production and education 2012». Odesa: KUPRYIENKO, 2012. Issue 4. Volume 49. P. 65-71.
  2. Zolotar L.M. Railroad construction in Taurida Governorate (60–70s of. ХІХ century). Hurzhiiivski historical readings: collection of scientific papers / editorial board V.S. Smolii, О.І. Hurzhii, А.H. Morozov etc. Cherkasy: Edition. Chabanenko Y.А., 2013. Issue. 6. P. 277-279.
  3. Zolotar L.M. Role of posthouse in network of land communications of Taurida Governorate in the second half of ХІХ century. Scientific notes of Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University. Series: History /edited by Professor І.S. Zuliak. In two parts. Ternopil: Publishing company V. Hnatiuk TNPU 2013. Issue. 2. 2. P. 23-26.
  4. Zolotar L.M. Land communication routes of Taurida Governorate in travel notes of Yevhen Markov. Scientific notes: collection of works of young scientists and applicants. Kyiv, 2012. V. 24. P. 380-386.
  5. Zolotar L.M. Highway tax on roads of Taurida Governorate in the second half of ХІХ century. Scientific papers of historical department of Zaporizhzhia National University. Zaporizhzhia: ZNU, 2013. Issue. ХХХV. P. 56-58.
  6. Zolotar L.M. The ethnic composition of railway employees of Taurida Covernorate in the end of ХІХ century. Museum Vistnyk. Zaporizhzhia, 2013. №13/2. P. 147-153.
  7. Zolotar L.М. Transportation means in the roads of Taurida Governorate in the second half of ХІХ – beginning ХХ centuries. Scientific notes of V. Vernadskyi Taurida National University. Series History. Kyiv, 2019. V. 30 (69). № 2. P. 16-22. (Index Copernicus).
  8. Zolotar L.М. Technical facilities and constrictions of land communication routes of Taurida Governorate (1864–1914 years). Vistnyk of Mariupol State University. Series: History. Political Science. Mariupol, 2019. Issue. 24. P. 44-51. (Index Copernicus).

Articles in foreign scientific journals

  1. Zolotar L. Carrier trade in the cities of Taurida Governorate in the second half of ХIХ century. Science and Education a New Dimension Humanities and Social Science. 2013. № 12. P. 50-52. (Index Copernicus, Google Scholar).

Proceedings of research and practice conferences, theses of reports

  1. Zolotar L.М. Preconditions for foundation Berdiansk railroad in the end of ХІХ century. Prydniprovski social-humanitarian readings: proceedings of Berdiansk session of І All-Ukrainian research and practice conference with the international participation (Berdiansk, 22 September 2012.) in 5 parts. Dnipropetrovsk: LLC «Іnnovatsiia», 2012. p. 1. P. 88-90
  2. Zolotar L.М. Communication routes of Taurida Governorate in the end of ХІХ century (according to general census of population of Russian Empire in 1897). Proceedings of the Second All-Ukrainian scientific conference «Achievements of social-humanitarian sciences in contemporary Ukraine» (Dnipropetrovsk, 28 April 2012.): in parts. Dnipropetrovsk: LLC «Іnnovatsiia», 2012. p. 1. P. 96-97.
  3. Zolotar L.М. History of transportation network: high-priority direction of research. Proceedings of international research and practice conference «Contemporary scientific researches of representatives of social sciences – progress of the future» (Lviv, 22-23 March 2019). Lviv: NGO «Lviv foundation of social sciences», 2019. P. 48-53.