The faculty of physical, mathematical, computer and technological education

The Faculty of Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Technological Education
The Faculty of Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Technological Education in the structure of the Berdiansk State Pedagogical University was founded in September 2016 in connection with the reorganization and amalgamation of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Education and the Faculty of Computer and Energy-saving Technologies. The Dean of the Faculty is Viktoria I. Zhyhir, DSc in Education, Professor.
The faculty trains higher education seekers in the following specialties:
- Professional Education (specializations: Economics. Power Engineering. Computer Technologies).
- Secondary Education (according to subject specializations: Mathematics. Physics. Computer Science. Technological Education and Technologies).
- Applied Physics and Nanomaterials (Master’s course).
The faculty has five departments:
- The Department of Mathematics and Methods of Teaching Mathematics (headed by Natalia Vahina, PhD in Education, Associate Professor);
- The Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics (headed by Valerii Kidalov, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, Professor);
- The Department of Technological Education and Technologies (headed by Valentyna Perehudova, PhD in Education, Associate Professor);
- The Department of Professional Education (headed by Olena Cherneha, PhD in Education, Associate Professor);
- The Department of Computer Technologies in Management and Education and Computer Science (headed by Vitalii Khomenko, DSc in Education, Professor).