Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Research work

Considerable attention is paid to research work that is done in two directions − carrying out individual experimental research and the comprehensive study of the general topic of the Department − “Scientific and Practical Fundamentals of Professional Activity of Special Pedagogues and Clinical Psychologists in the Context of the Modern Educational Paradigm”. As a result of work on the previous comprehensive topic, a group of lecturers of the Department published a collective monograph Strategies for Training Specialists at Higher Educational Institutions to Work with Children in the Modern Educational Space in 2016.

On the basis of the results of individual experimental research, the PhD in Education theses were successfully defended by O. V. Revutska (2003), Hanna O. Lopatina (2012), and Ye.Yu.Lyndina (2016); the PhD in Psychology theses − by Natalia Yu. Tsybuliak (2014), O. V. Serbova (2014), H. I. Syzko (2012) and, T. S. Sushchynska (2017). The lecturers of the Department A. A. Synytsia, O. S. Donchenko, Yu. V. Drahanova, and H. M. Mytsyk are actively working on their doctoral research.

The lecturers of the Department take an active part in the national and international scientific conferences, seminars, forums, and symposiums. The Department acts as the organizer of professional scientific and practical events. It is traditional to hold scientific and methodological seminars for the educators in the region, at which the most topical issues of clinical psychology and remedial education are addressed. Thus, we organized and held the following scientific and practical seminars: “Psychological Support of a Gifted Child” (19 February 2015), “The Peculiarities of Use of Alternative and Auxiliary Communication in Remedial Work” (March 26, 2015), “Propedeutics of Speech Development of Preschool Children” (December 3, 2015); “The Traditions and Innovations of Speech Therapy Today” (May 17, 2016).

On November 29, 2016 the lecturers of the Department took part in a round-table discussion with online participation “Inclusion as a Social Technology and Educational Innovation” within the framework of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Postgraduate Education: Traditions and Innovations”, the 2nd National Scientific and Practical Conference “Modernization of the Content of Education and Science in Ukraine: Informal Education for Adults”, organized by the Institute for Modernization of Educational Content, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, the Association of International Education, Science and Culture; the Academy of International Education Management, African Council in Ukraine and the European Science Education Research Association.

The lecturers of the Department are members of a pilot project “Development of Inclusive Educational Environment” in the Zaporizhzhia oblast under the auspices of Maryna Poroshenko, within the framework of which the workshop “Scientific and Methodological Support for Inclusive Education at School” was organized for educators who ensure the completion of this project in the educational institutions of the city. The purpose of the workshop was to identify urgent problems and develop technologies in order to create conditions for compensation of limited abilities of a child and give them a realistic chance to integrate into society.