Igor Lyman
Coordinator of International Relations of BSPU
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Date of Birth 23 August 1971
Citizenship Ukrainian Degree, academic rank, and position Doctor of History, Professor. The Head of the Department of History and Philosophy. The Coordinator of the International Relations of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University |
Work address: Berdyansk State Pedagogical University,
Vul. Shmidta # 4, Berdyansk, Ukraine, 71100 |
E-mail Lyman@ukr.net | |
December 2010 – Present | Coordinator of International Relations of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. |
March 2007 – December 2010 | Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Vice-Rector of International Relations. |
2006 – Present | Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Doctor of History, Professor. |
2002 – 2005 | Zaporizhzhya State University. Post Doctorate. |
1999 – Present | Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. The Head of the Department of History of Ukraine (since September of 2016 – Department of History and Philosophy). |
1996 – 2005 | Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Lecturer of the History Department (the Department of History of Ukraine), Docent. |
1993 – 1996 | Zaporizhzhya State University. Post-graduate studying. |
1993 | Zaporizhzhya State University. Assistant of the Department of History of Ukraine. |
1988 – 1993 | Zaporizhzhya State University. Student of Historical Department. |
Title of Doctoral dissertation,
November 2005 |
“The Orthodox Church in the South of Ukraine (1775-1861 years)” |
Title of PhD dissertation,
June 1996 |
“The Church Organization of Zaporozhzhya Volnosti (1734-1775 years)” |
2019 | Higher Technical School in Katowice, Poland |
2019 | National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, Ukraine |
2017 | The Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (Leipzig), Germany |
2017 | Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine |
2012 | Minsk Institute of Management, Belarus |
2012 | Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia |
2012 | Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Russia |
2011 | Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico |
2011 | Nizhnij Novgorod State University, Russia |
2009 | St.Petersburg State University, Russia |
2009 | Kherson State University, Ukraine |
2009 | Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
2009 | Central European University, Budapest, Hungary |
2007 | Institute of Church History in Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine |
November 2018 –June 2019 | Project “Innovative University and Leadership. Phase IV: Communication Strategies and University-School Communications” (the University of Warsaw, the Jagiellonian University, the Artes Liberales Foundation (Poland); the International Charitable Foundation “International Foundation for Educational Policy Research”) |
May 2019 | Erasmus+ KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals – Staff mobility for teaching and training activities between programme and partner countries (Wyzsza Szkola Techniczna w Katowicach, Poland) |
2018 | Research project “German Consuls in the Northern Azov Region” (The Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany) |
October 2018 –
June 2019 |
Project “Formation of a Network of Experts on the Quality Assurance of Higher Education” (Center for Studies in Higher Education (Czech Republic), Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) |
October 2015-October 2018 | Erasmus+ KA2 program. Project “QUAERE”: Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: Development on the Base of ENQA Standards and Guidelines. Coordinator of the team of BSPU |
February-March 2018 | International project “Progressive University Management” (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) |
October – December 2017 | DAAD, Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists (host institution: the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe, Leipzig, Germany) |
2017-2018 | Grant of Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Project “The Ukrainian South as Viewed by Consuls of the British Empire (Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries). Volume 1: British Consuls in the Port City of Berdyansk” |
July 2016 | Professional training internship: Summer Academy of University Koblenz-Landau (Germany) |
August 2015 – August 2016 | Grant of Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Project “Historiography of the History of the Southern Ukraine” |
October 2013 – September 2016 | TEMPUS IV. Project “Training of teachers and educational managers to work with heterogeneous groups and organizations” |
October 2014 | Professional training internship at the University of Vienna (Unviersität Wien) (Austria) |
2013 – 2015 | Participation in the international project “The Black Sea and its port-cities, 1774-1914. Development, convergence and linkages with the global economy” (co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund – ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) – Research Funding Program: THALES. Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund), led by Ionian University, Greece |
2012 – 2013 | Grant of Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Project “Researchers of the History of the Southern Ukraine” |
2011 – 2014 | The International Higher Education Support Program (HESP) of the Open Society Institute. Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching “Wealth, Poverty and Life Satisfaction in Transition Societies” |
January – February 2009 | “Professorial Research Fellowship” program of Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) |
2008 – 2011 | The International Higher Education Support Program (HESP) of the Open Society Institute. Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching “Comparative and Interdisciplinary History of Religious Traditions in Eastern, Central and Southern-Eastern Europe”, organized by Central European University (Budapest), St.Petersburg State University, Moscow State University and Ivanovo State University, Russia |
2007 – 2008 | American Council of Learned Societies’ Short-term grant in the Humanities |
February – March 2003 | International Humanitarian School of Central and Eastern Europe (Międzynarodowa Szkoła Humanistyczna Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej) (the foundation «Artes Liberales» Inter-University Program). Warsaw University, Poland |
1999-2001 | Scholarship for young scientists. Awarded by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine |
I have published 38 books, monographs and edited volumes.
I have published 211 articles in academic journals and chapters in books. The books and articles have been published in Ukrainian, Russian, English, German, Spanish, Polish and Greek languages in Ukraine, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia and Kazakhstan. I have also published 799 entries in encyclopedias (Encyclopedia of History of Ukraine, 10 volumes, Encyclopedia of Contemporary Ukraine, Ukrainian Cossackdom: Small Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Berdyansk) and in electronic reference resources Black Sea Port-cities. Interactive History, 1780s-1910s (http://blacksea.gr/), Famous Persons of Zaporizhzhya region. |
conferences | I presented my research in 118 conferences and congresses in Ukraine, Mexico, Spain, Austria, Germany, France, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Croatia. Russia and Belarus. |
expeditions | I took part in the organization of historical, ethnographical and archeographical expeditions in the settlements in the South of Ukraine, which are regularly held by the Zaporizhzhya branch of the Institute of the Ukrainian archeography and primary sources studies of M.S. Hrushevs’kyi (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), Zaporizhzhya scholarly society of Y. Novyts’kyi and Zaporizhzhya branch of the Kovalsky Eastern Institute of Ukrainian Studies. |
Archives | I worked in the archives of Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Israel, Mexico and Austria. |
Membership in editorial boards, Academic CouncilS AND scientific organisations | I am a member of editorial boards of journals: Museum Bulletin; Scriptorium Nostrum; Southern Archive; History and Culture of Prydniprovie: None Known and Little-Known Pages: Scientific Yearbook; Papers of Research Laboratory of History of Southern Ukraine of ZSU: Southern Ukraine in XVIII – XIX сentury; Frontiers of City; Interdisciplinary Humanities Studies. Series: Historical Science (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) etc. |
February 2014 – Present | Member of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for examination of dissertations (History) |
2018 – Present | Member of the Specialized Academic Council K12.09.03.04 on the defense of dissertations on history (Mariupol State University) |
2012 – Present | Member of Research Institute of Urban History |
2007 – Present | Member of International Association for the Humanities |
1997 – Present | Founding member of the Zaporizhzhya Scholarly Society of Y. Novyts’kyi |
SPHERES OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES | History of International Relations, Regional History (History of the Southern Ukraine), Maritime History, Religious History, Social History, Oral History, Urban History, Historiography, Archeography, History of Education, Modernization of the educational system of Ukraine |
2019 | The winner (Diploma of the 1st degree, nomination “Collective Portrait”) of All-Ukrainian Library “Biographical Rating-2018” for the book “The Ukrainian South as Viewed by Consuls of the British Empire (Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries). Volume 1: British Consuls in the Port City of Berdyansk” |
2019 | Diploma of Top-10 of All-Ukrainian Library “Biographical Rating-2018” for the book “The Ukrainian South as Viewed by Consuls of the British Empire (Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries). Volume 1: British Consuls in the Port City of Berdyansk” |
2019 | Diploma of Top-10 of All-Ukrainian Library “Biographical Rating-2018” for the book “German Consuls in the Northern Azov Region” |
2019 | Acknowledgment of the Federation of Greek Communities of Ukraine |
2018 | Acknowledgment of the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Research project “German Consuls in the Northern Azov Region” |
2018 | Diploma of Top-10 of All-Ukrainian Library “Biographical Rating-2017” for the book “British Consul and Industrialist John Edward Greaves” |
2018 | Special Award “For Contribution to the Development of Studies on the History of Diplomacy”, initiated by the Scientific Society of History of Diplomacy and International Relations for the book “British Consul and Industrialist John Edward Greaves” |
2017 | Acknowledgment of the Department of Culture, Tourism, Nationalities and Religions of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration |
2017 | Order “For Merits to Zaporizhzhya Region”, III stage |
2016 | The medal of the President of Ukraine “25 years of Independence of Ukraine” |
2016 | Honorary Diploma of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council |
2015 | The gold medal of the Sixth International exhibition “Modern educational establishments-2015” (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; Exhibitions World company) |
2015 | “Honorable Order of the City” |
2014 | Honorary Diploma of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine |
2013 | Medal “For significant contribution to development of Berdyansk” |
2013 | International Association of University Presidents International Education Faculty Achievement Award |
2012 | Diplomas for international cooperation of Southwestern University “Neophyte Rilski” (Bulgaria), Gori State Pedagogical University (Georgia), Minsk Institute of Management (Belarus), Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian-Technical Institute, Yaroslavl State University, Magnitogorsk State University, Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, Southern Federal University (Russia) |
2009 | Honorary title “Honoured worker of the Education of Ukraine” |
2009 | Breastplate of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Vasyl’ Suhomlyns’kij” |
2008 | Diploma of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine |
2008 | The winner of All-Ukrainian elucidative-patriotic contest of accomplished activities directed to honouring memory of Famine 1932 – 1933 victims “Famine of 1932 – 1933 years. Memory of the nation”. The first place in a nomination “For the best work among students, postgraduate students, scientists and pedagogs” |
2007 | Diploma of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration for achievement in Science |
2005 | Breastplate of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Honours research worker of Education of Ukraine” |
2002 | Diploma of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration for achievement in Science |
2001 | Diploma of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration for achievement in Science |
2000 | Golik’s premium. Awarded by Ukrainian (Azov) Department of Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship |
1993 | Graduation with distinction. Zaporizhzhya State University |
LANGUAGES | Ukrainian — native language, English — fluently (Сomрuter-based TOEFL, total score 260, Essay Rating 5.0 (14 February 2001)), Russian — fluently (reading, speaking, writing), Polish (reading), German (A1+, Certificate of language courses in March – June 2016). |
PAGES IN INTERNET | http://ri-urbanhistory.org.ua/en/component/content/article/11-personalni-storinki/50-igor-i-lyman
https://bdpu.org.ua/en/faculties/gef/structure-gef/kaf-istor/composition-kaf-istor/lyman/ |
BOOKS | 1. Volodymyr Chop, Igor Lyman, Нащадки запорожців: махновський рух у Північному Приазов’ї (1918-1921 рр.) [Descendants of the Zaporozhians: the Makhno Movement in the Northern Azov Region (1918-1921)] (Berdyansk, 2019), 609 p. ISBN 978-966-197-615-2
2. Volodymyr Chop, Igor Lyman, Махновські повстанці Північного Приазов’я (1918-1921 рр.) [Makhno’s rebels of the Northern Azov Region (1918-1921)] (Zaporizhzhya: Dyke Pole, 2018), 436 p. ISBN 978-617-7433-71-1 3. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, Німецькі консули в Північному Приазов’ї [German Consuls in the Northern Azov Region] (Dnipro: LIRA, 2018), 500 p. ISBN 978-966-981-078-6 4. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, The Ukrainian South as Viewed by Consuls of the British Empire (Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries). Volume 1: British Consuls in the Port City of Berdyansk (Kyiv, 2018), 630 p. ISBN 978-966-197-533-9, ISBN 978-966-02-7496-2 5. Volodymyr Chop, Igor Lyman, Місцями пам’яті повстанських перемог у Запорозькому краї: Азовська операція Нестора Махна [Places of Memory of Rebellious Victories in Zaporizhzhya region: the Azov Operation of Nestor Makhno] (Zaporizhzhya, 2017), 99 p. 6. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, Eugene Danchenko, Британський консул і промисловець Джон Грієвз [British Consul and Industrialist John Edward Greaves] (Berdyansk: Tkachuk O.V., 2017), 200 p. ISBN 978-617-7291-96-0 7. Igor Lyman, Дослідники історії Південної України : біобібліографічний довідник [Researchers of History of the Southern Ukraine: Biobibliography] / (Kyiv, 2016), 496 p., il. (Volume 2). ISBN 978-966-02-6972-9, ISBN 978-966-02-7970-4 8. Victoria Konstantinova, Igor Lyman, Anastasiya Ignatova, European Vector of the Northern Azov in the Imperial Period: British Consular Reports about Italian Shipping (Berdyansk: Tkachuk O.V., 2016), 184 p. ISBN 978-966-2261-00-0 9. Igor Lyman, Sofia Podkolzina, Поширення імперських практик взаємин держави і церкви: релігійне життя Бердянська першого десятиріччя його існування [The Spread of Imperial Practices of Relations between Church and State: Religious Life of Berdyansk during the First Decade of its Existence] (Berdyansk: Tkachuk O.V., 2015), 118 p. ISBN 978-966-2261-96-7 10. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, Історія Бердянського державного педагогічного університету. Навчальний посібник + CD [History of Berdyansk Pedagogical University. Textbook + CD] (Berdyansk: BSPU, 2015), 206 p. ISBN 978-966-7828-89-9 11. Igor Lyman, Запорожское казачество и церковь в период Новой Сечи [Zaporozhian Cossacks and Church in the Period of New Sich] (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014), 188 p. ISBN: 978-3-659-19424-5 12. Mykola Eremenko, Igor Lyman, Військове духовенство на півдні України (1734-1853 рр.) [The Military Clergy in the South of Ukraine (1734-1853 years)] (Melitopol: Melitopol City Publishing House, 2014), 436 p. ISBN 978-966-197-315-1 13. Igor Lyman, Дослідники історії Південної України: біобібліографічний довідник [Researchers of History of the Southern Ukraine: Biobibliography] / (Kyiv, 2013), 382 p., il. (Volume 1). ISBN 978-966-02-6973-6 14. Путем Апостола Андрея. Очерки истории Православия в Запорожском крае. К 20-летию Запорожской и Мелитопольской епархии [By Way of Andrew the Apostle. Essays on the History of Orthodoxy in the Zaporozhye Region. On the 20th anniversary of Zaporozhye and Melitopol diocese] (Zaporizhzhya, 2012), 524 p. ISBN 966-7037-37-4 15. Victoria Konstantinova, Igor Lyman, Бердянський (Осипенківський) державний педагогічний інститут (1953 – 1991 роки) [Berdyansk (Osypenko) State Pedagogical Institute (1953 – 1991 years)] (Donetsk: LANDON-XXI, 2012), 638 p. (Materials from the history of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Volume V). ISBN 978-966-2569-83-4 16. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, Історична освіта в Бердянську: від чоловічої гімназії до соціально-гуманітарного факультету БДПУ [Historical Education in Berdyansk: from Boy’s Gymnasium till Social-Humanitarian Faculty of BSPU] (Berdyansk: BSPU, 2012), 253 p. ISBN 978-966-7828-54-7 17. V.A. Zarva, V.M. Konstantinova, I.I. Lyman and others, Бердянський державний педагогічний університет. Історія. Сьогодення [Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. History. Present] (Berdyansk: BDPU, 2012), 286 p., ill. (Edited volume). ISBN 978-966-7828-65-3 18. Igor Lyman, Трансформації релігійності в умовах полікультурного регіону (матеріали археографічних експедицій Північним Приазов’ям) [Transformations of Religiosity in Circumstances of a Multicultural Region (materials of archeographical expeditions in the Northern Pryazovya)] (Zaporizhzhya: AA Tandem, 2011), 360 p. ISBN 978-966-488-088-3 19. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, Наукова школа професора А.В. Бойка: персоналії та доробок [The Scholarly Cohort of Professor A.V. Boyko: Profiles and Accomplishments] (Zaporizhzhya, 2011), 376 p., ill. ISBN 978-966-488-096-8 20. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, Усна історія Голодомору 1932-1933 років у Північному Приазов’ї. Бердянський вимір [Oral History of Holodomor 1932-1933 Years in the Northern Pryazovya. Berdyansk Measuring] (Zaporizhzhya: AA Tandem, 2009), 302 p. ISBN 978-966-488-043-2 21. Victoria Konstantinova, Igor Lyman, Бердянський інститут соціального виховання. Педагогічний інститут. Учительський інститут (1932 – 1953 роки) [Berdyansk Institute of Social Education. Pedagogical Institute. Teaching Institute (1932 – 1953 years)] (Kyiv: Osvita Ukrainy, 2009), 782 p. (Materials from the history of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Volume IV). ISBN 978-966-188-103-6 22. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, Бердянські педагогічні курси та педагогічний технікум (1920 – 1935 роки) [Berdyansk Pedagogical Courses and Pedagogical College (1920 – 1935 years)] (Kyiv: Osvita Ukrainy, 2008), 569 p. (Materials from the history of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Volume III). ISBN 978-966-188-044-2 23. Volodymyr Chop, Igor Lyman, «Вольный Бердянск»: місто в період анархістського соціального експерименту (1918 – 1921 роки) [“Free Berdyansk”: the Town in Times of the Anarchist Social Experiment (1918 – 1921 years)] (Zaporizhzhya: Tandem – U, 2007), 478 p. ISBN 978-966-7482-85-5 24. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, «Кращий порт Азовського моря». Літопис історії Бердянська очима кореспондентів «Одеського Вісника» (1861 – 1875 рр.) [“The Best Seaport of the Sea of Azov”. Chronicle of the History of Berdyansk in View of “Odes’kyi Visnyk” Correspondents (1861 – 1875 years)] (Berdyansk – Taganrog: Tandem – U, 2007), 402 p. ISBN 978-966-7482-83-1 25. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, «Повітова столиця». Літопис історії Бердянська очима кореспондентів «Одеського Вісника» (1876 – 1893 рр.) [“The Capital of District”. Chronicle of the History of Berdyansk in View of “Odes’kyi Visnyk” Correspondents (1876 – 1893 years)] (Berdyansk – Nevinnomys’k: Tandem – U, 2007), 380 p. ISBN 978-966-7482-84-8 26. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, Бердянська чоловіча гімназія (1901 – 1919 роки) [Berdyansk Boy’s Gymnasium (1901 – 1919 years)] (K.: Osvita Ukrainy, 2007), 631 p. (Materials from the history of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Volume II). ISBN 978-966-8847-72-1 27. Igor Lyman, Victoria Konstantinova, «Бердянський літописець» Василь Крижанівський [“Berdyansk Chronicler” Vasyl Krizhanovskyi] (Berdyansk – Kyiv – Edmonton: Tandem – U, 2007), 300 p. ISBN 978-966-7482-81-7 28. Igor Lyman, Andrij Pimenov, «Юне місто». Літопис історії Бердянська очима кореспондентів «Одеського Вісника» (1827 – 1860 рр.) [“Young town”. Chronicle of the History of Berdyansk in View of “Odes’kyi Visnyk” Correspondents (1827 – 1860 years)] (Berdyansk – Rostov-on-Don: Tandem – U, 2007), 358 p. ISBN 978-966-7482-82-4 29. Victoria Konstantinova, Igor Lyman, Бердянська чоловіча гімназія (остання третина ХІХ століття) [Berdyansk Boy’s Gymnasium (the last third of the XIX century)] (Kyiv: Osvita Ukrainy, 2006), 528 p. (Materials from the history of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Volume I). ISBN 966-8847-32-6 30. Igor Lyman, Православна церква на півдні України (1775 – 1781) [Orthodox Church in the South of Ukraine (1775 – 1781)] (Zaporizhzhya: Tandem – U, 2004), 560 p. (The Primary Sources in History of the South of Ukraine. Volume 4). ISBN 966-7482-33-2 31. Igor Lyman, Російська православна церква на півдні України останньої чверті XVIII – середини ХІХ століття [Russian Orthodox Church in the South of Ukraine of the last quarter of XVIII – the middle of XIX century] (Zaporizhzhya: Tandem – U, 2004), 488 p. ISBN 966-7482-40-5 32. Igor Lyman, Державна церква і державна влада: Південна Україна (1775 – 1861) [State Church and State Power: the South of Ukraine (1775 – 1861)] (Zaporizhzhya: Tandem – U, 2004), 400 p. ISBN 966-7482-39-1 33. Ivan Bastryga, Igor Lyman, Начала истории Бердянска [The Beginnings of Berdyansk History] (Zaporozhye, 2002), 132 p. 34. Нариси з історії Нікопольського району (від найдавніших часів до початку ХХ століття) [Essays in History of Nikopolskyi Region (from ancient times to the beginning of the XX century)] (Kyiv – Nikopol – Zaporizhzhya: Tandem – U, 2002), 399 p. (Edited volume). ISBN 966-7089-81-9 35. Konstantin Bakhanov, Igor Lyman, Бердянск в дневниках титулярного советника В.К. Крыжановского. Крыжановский В.К. Дневники [Berdyansk in the Diaries of the Titular Counselor V.K.Kryzhanovskyi. Kryzhanovskyi V.K. Diaries] (Zaporizhzhya: Prosvita, 2002), 218 p., il. ISBN 966-653-070-8 36. A.Boyko, T.Grushova, O.Ignatusha, I.Lyman, V.Milchev, L.Roshyna, R.Shiyan, Міжконфесійні взаємини на півдні України ХVІІІ – ХХ століття [Interconfessional Relations in the South of Ukraine XVIII – XX century] (Zaporizhzhya: Tandem – U, 1999), 252 p. (Edited volume). 37. Igor Lyman, Церковний устрій Запорозьких Вольностей (1734 – 1775) [Church System of Zaporozhzhya Vol’nosti (1734 – 1775)] (Zaporizhzhya: Tandem – U, 1998), 180 p. ISBN 966-7089-38-X 38. Igor Lyman, Церква в духовному світі запорозького козацтва [The Church in the Spiritual World of Zaporozhzhya Cossacks] (Zaporizhzhya: Tandem – U, 1997), 61 p. |