Zakharova Natalia Mykolayivna
Доцент кафедри соціальної роботи та інклюзивної освіти
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
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In 1978 graduated from Berdyansk Pedagogical Institute, majoring in pedagogy and primary education methods.
In 2007 defended her candidate’s thesis “Social adaptation of children of older preschool age by means of game activities” (scientific supervisor –Doc. Ped. Scien., Prof. T. I. Naumenko) in the specialized council of the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Received a diploma of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.08 – preschool pedagogy.
In 2009 was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy.
Labor activity:
From 1972 to 1980 was a teacher at pre-school educational institutions;
From 1989 to 1992 was a primary school teacher;
Since 1992 has been a teacher at BSPU, rising from a senior lecturer to an associate professor of the department.
In different years performed the duties of the deputy dean for academic work, the responsible secretary of the admissions committee of BSPU.
Total teaching experience: 36 years, 28 years at BSPU.
Field of scientific interests: social adaptation and integration; Healthy Lifestyle; training of social pedagogues for various activities; inclusive education; socio-pedagogical victimology, social work.
The author of more than 50 scientific publications, including 4 manuals, 2 monographs, an article in a periodical published in the Web of Science scientometric database.
She is actively engaged in the development of student science in the fields of “social pedagogy”, “social work”, and “inclusion”. Scientific supervisor of student scientific works – winners of All-Ukrainian competitions.
Professional development:
Advanced her qualifications at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University in the field of “Social Work” (2004).
Advanced her qualifications at National Pedagogical Drahomanov University in the field of “Social Work” (certificate, 2015).
Participant of the course to improve the level of knowledge of the German language (educational level “A 1”, 2015-2016).
Advanced her qualifications as part of the international internship “Internationalization of Higher Education. Organization of the educational process and innovative teaching methods in higher education institutions in Poland” (certificate No. 72/2020, Warsaw, Poland).
Upgraded her qualifications as part of an internship under the program “International internship of teaching and scientific-pedagogical employees of HEIs of I-IV levels of accreditation: “Internationalization of higher education. Organization of the educational process and innovative methods in higher educational institutions of Poland”. (Collegium Civitas Warsaw) June 23 – July 15, 2020. (certificate dated 07/15/2020, 120 hours, 4 ECTS credits).
Participant of the School of Social Leadership “Practices of Inclusive Society: From Idea to Lifestyle” (certificate dated 07/01/2019).
Participant of the mediation training “Your power is to unite the community” as part of the “POWER” program of the IREX Council for International Scientific Research and Exchange (certificate dated July 23, 2021).
Participant of the webinar “Psychological support of the elderly during quarantine” within the implementation of the project “Psychological support of the elderly during quarantine” with the support of the National Research Fund of Ukraine (3 certificates June 23-29, 2021).
Participant of the webinar “Effective communication with the elderly and maintaining one’s own psychological health under stressful conditions” within the implementation of the project “Psychological support of the elderly during quarantine” with the support of the National Research Fund of Ukraine (certificate No. 2326112021-73 dated November 23-26, 2021, 30 hours, 1 ECTS credit).
Participant of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Equals among equals: innovative approaches to teaching children with special educational needs” (certificate #1712/133903 dated February 17-23, 2022. 10 hours. 0.3 ECTS credits).
Participant of the training “Psychosocial support of families with children during the war. Managing the case of families” 06/08/2022.
Member of the ARS DOCENDI Center for Teaching Excellence at BSPU. Module “Modern interactive methods of learning in higher education” (July 2022).
Participant of the series of online webinars “Remote control is easy!” Support and assistance services of the Educational and Methodological Center “Education. Children. Future” (August-July 2022).
Participant of the International Scientific and Practical Symposium “Education, Science and Culture of Ukraine in the World: Mobility, Globalization, Inclusion”. Organizer-International Institute of Inclusion, Director Leniv Zoryana, Kyiv (Certificate dated August 23-24, 2022).
Social activities:
In 2003 was the founder of the “Volunteer School” and the volunteer unit on the basis of the Center for Social Services for Family, Children and Youth and the Department of Social Pedagogy of BSPU.
In 2004 initiated the creation of a student social service at the Department of Social Pedagogy.
From 2013 to 2016 was a member of BSPU project team in the joint European educational project TEMPUS – IV “Training of teachers and educational managers to work with heterogeneous groups and organizations.”
In 2012 was awarded the “Excellence of Education of Ukraine” badge.
In 2015, as part of the project team, received the Gold Medal in the nomination “Innovations in the development of international cooperation and the presentation of national education in the world and in European educational and scientific space” at the Sixth International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions-2015” (Kyiv).
In 2019 was awarded the “Anton Makarenko” badge.
In different years: honorary diplomas and certificates of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia Regional Administration, Berdiansk City Council, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University.
Teaches disciplines:
- Actual problems of social work and social pedagogy;
- Inclusive education;
- Inclusive environment of educational institutions;
- International experience of multidisciplinary teams in socio-pedagogical work;
- Organization of the documentation system in social work;
- Basics of inclusive education;
- Social pedagogy;
- Theory and history of social work;
- Technologies of social work;
- Technologies of socio-pedagogical work in Ukraine and foreign countries.