Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Turgeneva Anastasia Oleksandrivna

Associate Professor

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)

У 2011 році нагороджена грамотою ректора БДПУ за сумлінну працю, плідну науково-педагогічну діяльністьта з нагоди Дня працівників освіти.
У 2015 році нагороджена Почесною грамотою Департаменту освіти і науки Запорізької облдержадміністрації за багаторічну сумлінну працю, особистий внесок у підготовку висококваліфікованих спеціалістів, плідну науково-педагогічну діяльність, упровадження сучасних методів навчання і виховання молоді, упровадження в освітній процес досягнень науки, техніки, передового педагогічного досвіду та з нагоди Дня науки.
У 2016 році нагороджена грамотою Запорізького обласного центру молоді за 3 місце у ІІ обласному конкурсі соціальної реклами «Тобі обирати!».
У 2016 році нагороджена подякою Ради молодих учених БДПУ за вагомий внесок у розвиток науки й освіти, активну громадську діяльність та високий професіоналізм.
У 2017 році нагороджена грамотою ректора БДПУ за захист кандидатської дисертації.
У 2017 році нагороджена грамотою міського голови за активну життєву позицію, вагомий внесок у розвиток молодіжної політики та з нагоди Дня молоді.
У 2018 році нагороджена грамотою Ради молодих учених БДПУ за вагомий особистий внесок у справу розвитку науки й освіти, активну громадську діяльність та високий професіоналізм.



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In 2007 graduated with honors from Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, majoring in “Social Pedagogy”. In 2017 – in the specialty “Educational Institution Management”. In 2019 graduated from BSPU, specialty: Secondary Education, specialization: 014.02 Language and Literature (English), professional qualification: Teacher of the English language and foreign literature.
From 2008 to 2012 studied at a postgraduate course at BSPU, majoring in 13.00.01 – general pedagogy and history of pedagogy. The theme of the dissertation research: “Formation of the socially active position of students in the extracurricular activities of vocational and technical educational institutions” (scientific supervisor: Dr. Ped. Scien., Prof. I. M. Kovchyna).
In 2016 defended the candidate’s thesis, specialty 13.00.05 – social pedagogy.
In 2021 the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Social Work and Inclusive Education was awarded.


Since 2007 has been working at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.
Since 2009 has held the position of assistant at the department of social pedagogy, since 2011 has worked as a senior lecturer.
Since 2017 is an associate professor of the Department of Social Work and Inclusive Education.


Total teaching experience: 12 years.


Field of scientific interests: the formation of a socially active position of student youth, the education of the personality of a student of a vocational and technical educational institution, the use of interactive learning methods in the process of training future specialists in social work.
Author of more than 40 scientific publications.
She is actively engaged in the development of student science in the fields of “social pedagogy”, “social work”. Scientific supervisor of student scientific works – winners of All-Ukrainian competitions.


Advanced training:

  • Passed courses under the “Intel® Education for the Future” program on the effective use of information and communication technologies in teaching subjects (certificate #243/2863).
  • Completed intensive English language courses as part of Tempus-4 joint European project “Training of teachers and educational managers of the region to work with heterogeneous groups and organizations” (certificate No. 000149).
  • Passed the course “Integral scientific and pedagogical process in higher education” for young teachers (certificate).
  • Passed the course for social workers “Social work with people who have chronic diseases” (certificate dated August 12, 2017).
  • Took an active part in educational projects: Active Citizens Local Training (2016), “Training for trainers on creative methods” (2016), Open Space “Using creative methods of working with youth to overcome stereotypes and integrate immigrants into local communities” (2016), “Media Literacy Training Seminar” (2016), “Human Rights and Gender Equality” (2016), “Leadership and Negotiations” (2016), “Informal Education as a Tool of Professional volunteering” (2017), “One community” (2017), International inclusive theater festival “ART-Playback. Together” (2017), “School of tolerance on SOGI issues (2018)”, “Communication as a tool for community unity” (2018).
  • Completed internship “Innovative educational institution of the 21st century – European experience within the LLP model of the European Commission” (University of Social Sciences (UNS) in cooperation with the Central European Academy Studies and Certification (CEASC) Foundation, Lodz, Poland, certificate No. 2017/ 11/040 dated 11/15/2017.
  • Raised qualifications according to the program of the training course “Introduction of quest technologies in the educational process” (National University “Lviv Polytechnic”), CT certificate No. 02071010/00179-18 dated July 6, 2018.
  • Raised qualifications according to the program “Inclusive education: equal conditions for all” (certificate No. K8-125660 dated June 13, 2019).
  • Participant of the All-Ukrainian seminar “Preparation of social workers for the development of integrated social services in united territorial communities”, which was held by the Institute of Person of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University together with the ICO Partnership “Every Child” within the framework of the project “Community for Person: Increasing the Competence of Communities” for the development of social services” (October 10-12, 2019, Kyiv, certificate).
  • Participant of the educational course “Corporate social responsibility”, read by Maryna Saprykina, head of CSR Ukraine through the platform of sustainable development education 0 (Certificate 461-157-446-2580 dated 01.12.2019).
  • Participant of the webinar “Mechanisms and consequences of stress” (Educational project “Na urok” LLP, certificate No. В1802-125660 dated November 8, 2011).
  • Participant of the All-Ukrainian Internet Conference “Project Teaching Methods” (“Educational Project “Na urok” LLP, certificate No. K21-125660 dated November 16, 2019).
  • Participant in the course “Media Literacy for Educators” through the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus (certificate, 2019).
  • Participant of the course “Round technique. Virtual circle: online facilitation” (Educational project “Na urok” LLC, certificate No. В279-125660 dated 05.05.2020).
  • Participant of the V Festival of educational leadership “CLEVER” (certificate No.1696/41 dated September 18, 2021).
  • Participant of the webinars “Quick and correct design of a publication with EndNote” (certificate dated September 8, 2021), “New and old capabilities of the Web of Science Core Collection” (certificate dated September 9, 2021).
  • Participant of the series of webinars “Facilitation tools for conducting effective educational events in online format” (certificate No. 0918.21, September-October 2021).
  • Participant of the webinar “Peer mediation: how a teacher can help students resolve conflicts” (certificate, October 23, 2021).
  • Participant of the seminar-workshop “Effective communication with the elderly and preservation of one’s own psychological health under stressful conditions (the COVID-19 pandemic)”, conducted by Ivan Zyazyun Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine within the framework of the project “Psychological support of the elderly persons during the quarantine” (2020.01/0221) with the support of the National Research Fund of Ukraine (certificate No. 2326112021-66, November 23-26, 2021).
  • Participant of the “Uni-Biz Bridge” project on the development of cooperation between business and universities, dedicated to the development of soft-skills of the teacher (certificate No. 874).
  • Completed training under the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Pedagogical Advanced Training Program “The Paradigm of Higher Education in the Conditions of War and Global Challenges of the 21st Century” from the Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation and Odessa State University of Internal Affairs (July 18 – August 28, 2022, 6 ECTS credits, 180 hours).


Social activities:
Since 2015 has been the head of the “Palitra Dobra” volunteer unit.
Official partner, co-organizer of social orientation events in the city of Berdiansk (family festival “Family Day”, cultural and educational traveling festival “From the country to Ukraine”, “Children’s Olympic Games for children”, World Greening Initiative “Trees of Peace”, ” Let’s make Ukraine clean together”, “Smart children” charity event, “Blue Sky” project, etc.).


In 2011 was awarded a letter from the rector of BSPU for conscientious work, fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity on the occasion of the Day of Education Workers.
In 2015 was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Department of Education and Science of Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration for many years of conscientious work, personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity, the introduction of modern methods of teaching and education of young people, the introduction into the educational process of the achievements of science, technology, advanced pedagogical experience and on the occasion of Science Day.
In 2016 was awarded a diploma of Zaporizhzhia Regional Youth Center for the 3rd place in the 2nd Regional Competition of Social Advertising “You Choose!”.
In 2016 was awarded the thanks of the Council of Young Scientists of BSPU for her significant contribution to the development of science and education, active public activity and high professionalism.
In 2017 was awarded a certificate from the rector of BSPU for the defense of the candidate’s thesis.
In 2017 was awarded a letter from the mayor for her active lifestyle, significant contribution to the development of youth policy, and on the occasion of the Youth Day.
In 2018 and 2019 was awarded a certificate of the Council of Young Scientists of BSPU for the significant personal contribution to the development of science and education, active public activity and high professionalism.
In 2019 was awarded a certificate from the rector for the preparation of students who won the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific works and student Olympiads.
In 2019 was awarded the thanks of the Ministry of Education and Culture for many years of conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity.


Teaches disciplines:

  • Animation activity of a social worker;
  • Introduction to the specialty;
  • Organization and methodology of training in social work;
  • Organization of work with various social groups;
  • Social work with the family;
  • Social gerontology;
  • Social work in the field of palliative care;
  • Social and pedagogical work in the field of leisure;
  • Formation of a socially active position of student youth.