Natalia Tsybuliak
кандидат психологічних наук, доцент
Candidate of Psychological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor
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Academic degrees:
- Preschool education and practical psychology, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (BSPU), Ukraine, 2008;
- Preschool education and practical psychology, BSPU, Ukraine, 2010;
- PhD, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 2014.
Academic career:
- Assistant, BSPU, 2009-2012.
- Senior Lecturer, BSPU, 2012-2015.
- Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Preschool, Special and Social Education, BSPU, 2015-2018.
- Associate Professor, BSPU, since 2015.
- Head of the Teaching Excellence Center of BSPU “ArsDocendi”, since 2020.
- Member of COST Action CA19117, Researcher Mental Health, since 2023.
- Associate Researcher in CEFRES (2023).
Special circumstances:
- The Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, which is the main place of work, was evacuated from its permanent location and temporary relocation to Zaporizhzhia (Ukraine), on the basis of which the university continues to carry out its activities fully (it is confirmed by an official letter signed by the university rector).
- The researcher has the status of an internally displaced person due to Russia’s military aggression.
Research interests:
- Mental health in academia;
- Value of teaching and learning in higher education institutions in times of crisis;
- Lifelong learning.
Previous funding / grants:
- Scholarship Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for Young Scientists, 2018-20
- “Development of technology for assessing the quality and safety of nanotechnology products during the life cycle” (state registration number 0117U003860) (Senior researcher of Scientific work of young scientists).
- Individual grant “Documenting Ukraine” (Institute of Human Sciences, 2022).
- Collective grant “Liquidity of the family situation of war refugees from Ukraine” (University of Warsaw, 2022).
- Collective grant “Post-war socio-psychological rehabilitation” (Fulbright Program in Ukraine Funded by Public Affairs Section of US Embassy in Ukraine, 2022).
- Individual project “Transformation potential of Ukrainian scientists in times of full-scale war” (University of Warsaw, Faculty Artes Liberales, 2023).
- Individual project “Isolation of Internal Displaced Persons” (French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES), 2023).
- Collective project “Design of an inclusive educational environment of a higher education institution” (Science for the reconstruction of Ukraine in the war and post-war periods by the Scientific Council of the National Research Fund of Ukraine, 2023-2024).
- “Ukrainian universities in new realities: the impact of the war and mechanisms for preserving the scientific and personnel potential of training specialists in high-tech industries” (0123U105351)
Research and post-graduate experience:
- Art therapy course “Art therapy for children and adults”, 2014.
- Basic theoretical and practical course of the Kyiv Jungian Institute specializing in “Jungian counseling”, 2016.
- Training “Correction of psychosomatic manifestations by means of art therapy” (2014).
- Training “Phototherapy as a tool for the work of a practical psychologist” (2015).
- Training “First psychological aid to children in emergency situations” (2015).
- Training “Fairytale therapy in working with children and adults” (2015).
- Training “Psychology of women’s emotional well-being” (2015).
- Training “First psychological aid for children in emergency situations. Stress management” (2015).
- International internships programs “Tools for supporting the mobility of scientists in the EU financial perspective for 2014-2020” (Foundation for Central European Academy Studies and Certification (CEASC), Higher School of Health Education and Social Sciences (WSEZiNS)), Lodz, Poland, 2016.
- Training “Psychotherapeutic strategies of psychological counseling of adults using the methods of sand psychotherapy” (2016).
- Training “Integral scientific and pedagogical process in higher education” (2016).
- Training “Symbol in the work of a practical psychologist” (2016).
- Senior researcher of Scientific work of young scientists “Development of technology for assessing the quality and safety of nanotechnology products during the life cycle” (state registration number 0117U003860), 2017-2019.
- Training “Brain formatting” (2017).
- Training “Narrative Psychology” (2017).
- Training “School of Tolerance on SOGI” (2018).
- Training “Practical childhood neuropsychology” (2018).
- Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Preschool, Special and Social Education, BSPU, 2019-2021.
- Expert of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Ukraine), Since 2019.
- Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Scientific Bulletin of KSU Series Psychological Sciences”, since 2019.
- Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Insight: psychological dimensions of society”, since 2019.
- International internships programs “Support of science and research in higher education” at Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) within the international project “Change of pedagogical universities and faculties in the XXI century”, 2020.
- International internships programs “Inclusion and internationalization as components of higher education” at Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) within the international project “Change of pedagogical universities and faculties in the XXI century”, 2021.
- The basic course on the application and practical implementation of the program of social-emotional and ethical learning (SEEN or SEE Learning) (Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics, Emory University, USA, 2020).
- International internships programs “Strategies and trends that support the development of universities” at Masaryk University and Tomas Bati University (Czech Republic) within the international project “Changing pedagogical universities and faculties in the XXI century”, 2021.
- Teaching excellence program, implemented by the British Council in Ukraine in partnership with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Advance HE (UK), and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Ukraine), 2021-2022.
- Teaching excellence program (Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2022).
- Project «Innovative University and Leadership. Phase VІ: Models of academic freedom and the university in the lifelong learning system (Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University, 2022).
- Training for veterans, their family members, and family members of the deceased on the provision of services in the field of mental health and psychosocial support on the principle of “equal to equal”” within the framework of the “Path of Sustainability” project with the financial support of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany (2023).
- Theory and Practice of Cue-Centered Therapy (Stanford Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 2023).
Scholarships or fellowships:
- CEFRES Ukraine non-residential fellowships in humanities and social sciences (CEFRES, from May 2023 to March 2024).
- CEFRES residential fellowships for Ukrainian researchers in humanities and social sciences (CEFRES, 2 weeks, 2024).
Author of more than 100 publications, including:
Monographs – 6;
articles – more than 80;
abstracts and conference proceedings.
Professional societies or other organizations:
- NGO “Innovative University” (since 2022)
- NGO “National Psychological Association of Ukraine” (since 2022).
- Diplomas of the Department of Education and Science of the Zaporizhia Regional State Administration (2015, 2016).
- Diplomas of the Council of Young Scientists of the BSPU (2019, 2020, 2021).
- Diploma of the winner of the regional competition for gifted youth (2016).
- Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2019).
- CMU Fellow for Young Scientists (2018-2020).
Language skills:
- Ukrainian (mother tongue).
- English (Upper-Intermediate).
E-mail: nata.tsibulyak@gmail.com