Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Scientific and research activity

Scientific research is a high priority in the work of the lecturers and students of BSPU. The University departments make efforts to ensure the unity of educational content and the programs of scientific activity, increase participation of educational and research workers as well as students in scientific work. Every year, the research projects that are financed by the state budget are selected on a competitive basis at the University. There function scientific schools, which are well-known in Ukraine and abroad, headed by our prominent scientists, namely Ihor Bohdanov, DSc in Pedagogy, Professor; Victoria Zarva, DSc in Philology, Professor; Ihor Lyman DSc in History, Professor; Konstantin Bakhanov, DSc in Pedagogy, Professor; Valerii Kidalov, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, Professor; Volodymyr Kotliar, PhD in Pedagogy, Professor; Vasyl Kryzhko, PhD in Pedagogy, Professor; Vitalii Khomenko DSc in Pedagogy, Professor; Olha Novyk, DSc in Philology, Professor.

At Berdyansk State Pedagogical University there successfully function postgraduate and doctoral schools in five research specialties. There are two Specialised Academic Councils for PhD thesis defense in the following specialties: K – 13.00.04 – The Theory and Methods of Professional Education; 13.00.02 – The Theory and Methods of Teaching (Physics); K. – 10.01.01 – Ukrainian Literature; 10.01.05 – Comparative Literary Criticism.

During the last five years, 23 doctoral and 79 PhD theses have been defended at the University; 141 monographs, 13 textbooks, 293 coursebooks and 4031 scientific article were published.

The University holds annual national and international scientific conferences in its facilities. The professional collections of academic papers ‘Naukovi Zapysky BDPU’ (Scientific Proceedings of BSPU) (series: pedagogical studies and philological studies) are regularly published.

The University has created favourable conditions to support talented youth and engage them in training and intellectually challenging work. The effectiveness of our students’ scientific research is evidenced by their victories in international and national science fairs and competitions. The collections of students’ scientific papers and abstracts of reports are published annually.