Popova Anastasia Serhiivna
Docent of the Department of Social Work and Inclusive Education
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
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In 2014 graduated with honors from National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, majoring in “Social work: socio-legal protection of the population.”
In 2015 graduated from Berdyansk State Pedagogical University with a degree according to the specialty “Teacher of the Russian and English languages and the foreign literature”.
From 2015 to 2018, studied at the post-graduate school of the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, majoring in 13.00.04 – theory and methods of professional education.
In 2018, defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Professional training of social workers to work with migrants in Sweden” and obtained the scientific degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (scientific supervisor: active member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doc. of Scien., Prof. Nychkalo N. G.).
In 2022 the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Social Work and Inclusive Education was awarded.
Labor activity:
From 2014 to 2015 worked as a junior researcher at the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
From 2016 to 2018 worked as an assistant at the Department of Social Work and Inclusive Education.
From 2018 to 2022 worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Social Work and Inclusive Education.
Since 2019 held the position of a deputy dean for scientific and international activities of the faculty of preschool, special and social education.
From 2022 was enrolled to the position of associate professor of the Department of Social Work and Inclusive Education.
General experience of scientific and pedagogical activity: 7 years.
Field of scientific interests: comparative and pedagogical studies on the training of social workers, theory and technology of social work with different categories of the population in the developed countries of the world.
Author of more than 50 scientific publications.
Certification training:
- Actively participated in educational projects: “Informal education as a tool for professional volunteering” (2017), “Communication as a tool for community unity” (2018).
- Raised qualifications under the program “Inclusive education: equal conditions for all” (certificate No. K8-465745 dated June 13, 2019).
- Participant of the School of Social Leadership-2019 “Practices of an inclusive society: from an idea to a lifestyle” (certificate dated 07/01/2019, amount of 46 study hours).
- Participant of the International Information Week of the EU Erasmus+ program in Ukraine (November 4-8, 2019, certificate).
- Participant of the educational course “Corporate social responsibility” (certificate No. 413-157-513-5769 dated January 1, 2019).
- Participant of the educational course “Dialogue and Mediation: The Path to Understanding” (certificate dated March 24, 2020).
- Participant of the educational course “Protection of the Rights of People with Disabilities” (certificate dated April 27, 2020).
- Participant of the educational course “Academic Integrity at the University” on the VUM-online platform (certificate No. 023114 dated 04/03/2020).
- Participant of the webinar “How to overcome loneliness with the help of self-realization” from the series of webinars held by I. Zyazyun Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as part of the implementation of the project “Psychological support of the elderly during quarantine” with the support of the National Research Fund (certificate dated 06/16/2021, 1 hour)
- Participant in the training “Your STRENGTH – Uniting the Community”, aimed at developing communication skills, non-discrimination, inclusion, media literacy, critical thinking and overcoming conflicts within the framework of the STRENGTH program, which is implemented by the IREX Council for International Scientific Research and Exchange with the support of the US State Department (certificate dated July 23, 2021).
- Participant of the crisis communications workshop “Conflict resolution based on the principles of understanding engineering” as part of the “Nonviolent Communication” project implemented by the NGO “Space of Dignity” (certificate dated June 14, 2021).
- Participant of the national seminar on the dissemination of information on the results of the implementation of master’s educational programs in mediation, which are developed and implemented within the framework of the grant project “Mediation: training and transformation of society / “MEDIATS of the EU ERASMUS+ KA2:CBHE” program.
- Participant of the educational course “Advocacy” on the educational platform “Culture and Creativity” from the British Council.
- Participant in the training “Legal mediation in Ukraine: current trends” (certificate, July 22 – August 12, 2021).
- Participant of the webinar “New data, metrics and interface in Journal Citation Reports (certificate dated September 7, 2021).
- Participant of the webinar “Quick and correct design of a publication with EndNote” (certificate dated September 8, 2021).
- Participant of the webinar New and old capabilities of the Web of Science Core Collection (certificate dated September 9, 2021).
- Participant of the educational online course “Google Digital Tools for Institutions of Higher, Professional Pre-Higher Education” (certificate No. 15GW-09 dated 10/19/2021, 30 academic hours (1 ICTS credit) 04-10/18/2021).
- Participant of a scientific and pedagogical internship on the topic “Pedagogical conditions for the competence formation of teachers in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences. Experience of the EU countries” at the Ca’Foscari University of Venice (Italy) according to specialty “011 – Educational, pedagogical sciences” (certificate No. PSI-132416-CaF dated 10.24.2021, 180 hours (6 ICTS credits), 09.13.2021-10.24. 2021)
- Raised qualifications under the program “Digital tools for organizing group work of students in conditions of mixed learning” (certificate No. AD52/2021 dated 10/28/2021, 15 hours (0.5 ICTS credits).
- Participant of the webinar “Effective communication with the elderly and preservation of one’s own psychological health”, held by I. Zyazyun Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as part of the implementation of the project “Psychological support of the elderly during quarantine” with the support of the National Research Fund (certificate No. 2326112021-32, 30 hours, 1 ICTS credit, November 23-26, 2021).
- Participant in the advanced training program of the Center for Teaching Excellence of BSPU ARS DOCENDI. Module “Modern interactive learning methods in higher education” (certificate, July 2022).
Social activities:
Participant of social events “Students against HIV/AIDS”, “Heart to Heart”.
Since 2019 heads the Council of Young Scientists of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.
In 2014 became the winner in the nomination “The best graduate of National Pedagogical Drahomanov University”.
In 2017 was awarded the thanks of the Council of Young Scientists of BSPU for the popularization of modern science and active scientific activity.
In 2019 was awarded a diploma and thanks from the Council of Young Scientists of BSPU for her significant personal contribution to the development of science and education, active public activity and high professionalism.
In 2019 was awarded a certificate of the Department of Education and Science of Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration for many years of conscientious work, personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity, a significant personal contribution to the development of national science, the introduction into the educational process of the achievements of science, technology, advanced pedagogical experience and on the occasion of Science Days.
Teaches disciplines:
- Legal foundations of social work;
- Theory of mediation;
- International legal standards of mediation;
- Basics of corporate volunteering;
- Innovative models of providing social services;
- Basics of the scientific research;
- Methodology of scientific research;
- The right to social security;
- Social policy.