Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

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Anetta I. Omelchenko

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of the Theory and Teaching Methods of Art Disciplines

Подяка Міністерства освіти і науки України (2015)
Медаль«За вагомий внесок у розвиток міста Бердянська» (2014),
Почесна грамота управління освіти і науки Запорізької облдержадміністрації (2011)

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Anette Omelchenko

August 24, 1970 – was born in Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia oblast;

1984-1988 – studied at Zaporizhzhia Music College;

1994 – received higher education at P.D. Osypenko State Teachers’ Training Institute of Berdiansk as per Programme subject area ‘Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education. Music’;

1994 – has been working at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, teaching such subjects as The History of Foreign Music, The History of Ukrainian Music, Choir Conducting, Musical Pedagogy, and Methods of Teaching the Field of Study ‘Musical Art’ at Higher Educational Institutions. She is the head of student teaching practice in Artistic Culture and scientific and research practice of postgraduate students.

2002 – defended her PhD thesis Musical and Aesthetic Education in Ukrainian Pedagogy of the 16th – 18th Centuries in specialty 13.00.02 “The Theory and Methods of Teaching Music” (thesis adviser – L.M. Masol, PhD in Pedagogy, Senior research fellow at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine);

2004 – was conferred an academic title of an Associate Professor;

2010 – has been a leading specialist in educational work at the University and a member of the Academic Council.

Anette Omelchenko is an author of more than 30 scientific publications and a co-author of the collective monographs Modern Professional Training of a Teacher to Teach Art Disciplines at Comprehensive School: Problems, Searches and Findings (2010), A Teacher of Art Disciplines in the Discourse of Pedagogical Excellence (2013), The Development of an Artistic and Aesthetic World View of Teachers of Art Disciplines Based on the Integrative Approach (2014) and an educational  coursebook Choir Conducting (2015).


Scientific publications


  1. Annotation on a Choral Work: Content, Structure and Recommendations for Writing / Viktoriia V. Hryhorieva, Anetta I. Omelchenko. – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2012. – 120 p.
  2. Collection of Educational Programs for Profession Oriented Disciplines of Programme Subject Area 6.020204 Musical Art. – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2012. – P. 6 – 32; 250 – 261.


  1. OmelchenkoI. Formation of Artistic and Aesthetic World View of Senior Pupils in Artistic Culture Lessons / A.I. Omelchenko // Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14. The Theory and Methods of Art Education: collection of scientific works. – K.: NPU, 2013. – P.194-199.
  2. OmelchenkoI. Ukrainian Musical and Pedagogical Heritage as a Component of the National Culture and Art Education // A Teacher of Art Disciplines in the Discourse of Pedagogical Excellence: a monograph / I.A. Ziaziun, H.H. Filipchuk, O.M. Otych, et al.; scientific editor, foreword and afterword by O.M. Otych. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2013. – P. 202 – 213.


  1. Omelchenko A.I. The History of Ukrainian Music / Anette Omelchenko // Means of Diagnosing Academic Achievement of Students of Programme Subject Area 6.020204 Musical Art / Ed. by I.V. Dubinets. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2014. – P. 111–131.
  2. Omelchenko A.I. Formation of Artistic and Aesthetic World View of Adolescents in Artistic Culture Lessons / Anetta Omelchenko // Development of Artistic and Aesthetic World View of Teachers of Art Disciplines Based on the Integrative Approach: a monograph / M. Otych, S.O. Solomakha, I.V. Dubinets, et al. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2014. – P. 177–184.


  1. Omelchenko A.I., A.I. Hryhorieva V.V. Choir Conducting: an educational coursebook for students of higher education establishments / A.I. Omelchenko, V.V. Hryhorieva, – Berdiansk: Publisher BSPU, 2015. – 218 p.


  1. Omelchenko A.I. Polyartistic Potential in Musical Art Programmes at Comprehensive School / A.I. Omelchenko // Pedagogy and Psychology: The Current State of Scientific Research Development and Prospects: Proceedings of the National Scientific and Practical Conference, Zaporizhzhia, October 28-29, 2016. – Zaporizhzhia: Classic Private University, 2016. – P.27 – 31.
  2. Omelchenko A.I. The Сontent of Methodological Work of Teachers Focused on the Formation of Their Professional Mobility / А.I. Omelchenko // Collection of proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘The State, Problems and Prospects of Pedagogical Science’: Danubius Higher School., 2016. – P.133 – 136.


List of scientific publications in 2017-2020


  1. Omelchenko A.I. The Content of General Art Education in the Contemporary Educational Programme ‘Musical Art’ / А.I. Omelchenko // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Artistic Educational Space in the Context of Formation of the Modern Educational Paradigm’ (Kropyvnytskyi, December 13-14, 2017). – P. 151-154.
  2. Omelchenko A.I. Morenko Yu.V. Potential of the Ukrainian Song Folklore in L. Revutskyi’s Works for Children / Proceedings of the National scientific and practical conference “Levko Revutsky’s Phenomenon in the Spiritual and Artistic Heritage of the Ukrainian Culture of the 20th Century” (March 27-28, 2017, Kropyvnytskyi). P. 47-50.
  3. Anetta Omelchenko, Victoriya Grigoryeva. Integration in Education as a Factor оf Polyartistic Upbringing of the Individual / The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Issue 4 (2), (December), Volume 69. Oxford University Press, 2018. – Pages 1300 – 1439. – р. 1427-1437. (Databases Scopus and Web of Science).


  1. Omelchenko A.I. The Problems of Aesthetic Perception in Contemporary Art / Book of abstracts of the International scientific conference “Roses and Grapes: the Phenomena of Aesthetic and Pragmatic in Literature and Culture”. September 27-28, 2018. Berdiansk. P. 103-105.
  2. Omelchenko A.I. The Use of Problem-Based and Heuristic Technologies in Arts Lessons / Сollection of scientific works of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Topical Applied and Practical Issues of Psychological and Pedagogical Science” (July 7-8, 2018, Berdiansk). Berdiansk: PO ‘Southeastern Ukrainian Association of Practical Psychologists and Art Therapists’, 2018. P. 101-108.
  3. Anetta Omelchenko, Victoriya Grigoryeva Integration in Education as a Factor of Polyartistic Upbringing of the Individual / The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science Issue 4 (2), (December), Volume 69. Oxford University Press, 2018. – Pages 1300 1439. pp. 1427-1437 (Databases Scopus and Web of Science).


  1. Hryhorieva V.V., Omelchenko A.I. Choir Conducting: an educational coursebook for students of higher educational institutions. Berdiansk: Publisher BSPU, 2020. 218 p.
  2. Omelchenko A.I. National Culture as a Component of the World View Formation of Future Musical Arts Teachers / Proceedings of the 1st National Scientific and Practical Conference “The Theory and Practice of Innovative Development of Modern Education in the Context of its Reform.” Dnipro: 2019. P. 26-29.
  3. Omelchenko A.I. Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Formation of Professional and Value Orientations of Future of Art Disciplines Teachers / a collective monograph “Development of Creative Potential of Future Specialists in Art Disciplines as a Factor of Their Professional Self-Realization”; Ed. by A.I. Omelchenko. Melitopol: Publishing house of Melitopol city printing house, 2019. P.62-83.
  4. Omelchenko A.I. The Use of Multimedia Technologies in the Training of Future Music Teachers. Proceedings of the 1st National Scientific and Practical Conference “The Theory and Practice of Innovative Development of Modern Education in the Context of its Reform.” (March 21, 2019, Dnipro). P.36-41.
  5. Omelchenko, A., Grigoryeva, V., Sokolova, O., & Vientseva, N. (2019). Methodological Principles of Poly-Artistic Education of a Person in the Integrated Education System. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 8 (1), 128-135. DOI:
  6. Omelchenko, A., Grigoryeva, V. (2019) Methodological Principles of Poly-Artistic Education of a Person in the Integrated Education System. The Potential of Modern Science, volume 3, London, 70-80.


  1. Omelchenko A.I. National Culture as a Component of the Formation of a Person’s World View / Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Philosophical, World View and Сulturological Сontexts of Continuous Learning” (April 29, 2020). Dnipro: Subject of entrepreneurial activity Okhotnik, 2020. P.119 – 124.
  2. Omelchenko A.I. Peculiarities of the Formation of the System of Music Education at Educational Institutions of Ukraine / The 14th International scientific and practical conference “INFORMATION, ITS IMPACT ON SOCIAL AND TECHNICAL PROGRESS” (March 16-17, 2020). Haifa, Israel 2020 p. P. 53-59.
  3. Nadiia Vientseva, Anetta Omelchenko. Discussion as a Form of Education in Modern Universities / Bulgarian Journal of Educational Research and Practice. № 4. 2020. R. 578 – 587
  4. Omelchenko A.I. Psychological and Pedagogical Peculiarities of Musical and Creative Activities of a Higher Education Student / The 14th International scientific and practical conference “ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF SCIENCE AND PRACTICE” (April 27-28, 2020). Stockholm, Sweden 2020. 677 p. P.520-524
  5.  Omelchenko A.I. Formation of Cognitive Interest of Students in Musical Art Lessons by Means of Multimedia Technologies / Mater. II Międz. Conf. Nauk.-Prakt. Osiągnięcia naukowe i perspektywy: / Pod red. M.Andrzejewskiego. – Wrocław: Nowa nauka, 2020. – 117 s. S.10-13.