Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

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4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Olena Martynenko

Head of the Department of the Theory and Teaching Methods of Art Disciplines

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Медаль «За вагомий внесок у розвиток міста» (Голова Баранов В.А., 2005 р.)
Почесний орден міста за вагомий особистий внесок у розвиток міста Бердянськ (Міський голова О.А.Бакай, 2012 р. )
«Заслужений працівник культури України» (Указ президента України від 21 серпня 2015 року № 491/2015)
Нагрудний знак «Відмінник освіти» (Міністр Л.Гріневич, наказ № 773-к від 19.12.2017 р.)

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Olena Martynenko

June 9, 1968 – was born in Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia oblast;

1987 – graduated from Sumy cultural and educational college and obtained qualification of a head of an amateur choreographic group;

1992 – graduated from the Faculty of of Preschool Education at P.D. Osypenko State Teachers’ Training Institute of Berdiansk and obtained her diploma with honours as per program subject area ‘Pedagogy and Preschool Psychology’;

1992 – was appointed to the post of an assistant of the Department of the Theory and Methods of Preschool Education;

1995 – was transferred to the post of a Senior Lecturer of that Department;

19961999 – studied at the special-purpose postgraduate school of Berdiansk State Teachers’ Training Institute and after finishing it was appointed to the post of a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education at Berdiansk State State Teachers’ Training Institute;

2003 – worked as a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Music Education and Choreography;

2004 – graduated from Berdyansk State Pedagogical University and obtained her diploma with honours as per program subject area ‘Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education. Choreography”.

2005 – successfully defended her PhD thesis on the theme ‘Pedagogical Conditions for Forming Choreographic Skills in 5-6 Year-Old Children at Preschool Establishments at the Institute for Problems of Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and obtained her PhD in Pedagogy as per program subject area ‘Preschool Pedagogy’ (thesis adviser –  E.S. Vilchakovskyi, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, an Associate of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine);

2009 – was conferred an academic title of an Associate Professor of the Department of Music Education and Choreography; she has 19 years of teaching service;

2010 – was appointed head of the Department of Choreography at the Institute for Aesthetic and Physical Education at BSPU, which after reorganization became  part of the Institute for Psychological and Pedagogical Education and Arts.

During her work at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Olena Martynenko developed and taught at a high scientific and methodological level the following academic courses: The Art of a Ballet Master, The Theory and Techniques of Modern Dance, Methods of Work with Children’s Choreographic Group, Methods of Teaching Disciplines of Qualification, Practicum as per Qualification and Dance Therapy;

1987 – has been running the folk group of variety dance MarLen at the Centre for Children and Youth Creativity that has more than 180 children and is a base for doing choreographic practices by students;

2010 – the student folk group of variety dance MarLen, that has also been run by her, was given an honorary title of ‘People’s Amateur Group of Trade Unions of Ukraine’ (order of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine No. 751 of September 16, 2010);

2014 – the group was given an honorary title of ‘Exemplary Artistic Group’ (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 87 of January 30, 2014). The group of variety dance MarLen is a multiple laureate and prize winner of international and national competitions and festivals (Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia and Ukraine).

Associate Professor Martynenko

  • exercises a supervision of a student scientific study group that works on the scientific problem “Innovative Approaches to the Organization of a Teaching and Educational Process in Children’s Choreographic Groups”. According to the results of their work, the students publish scientific abstacts and articles and speak at scientific conferences;
  • constantly supervises term papers, graduate qualification and master’s theses in Choreography;
  • takes an active part in various events that take place at the Faculty and the University;
  • has repeatedly given masterclasses to the heads of choreographic groups and students;
  • is a permanent member of a jury of oblast and national competitions and festivals of children and youth creativity;
  • has repeatedly been awarded the Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia Oblast State Administration, Zaporizhzhia Oblast Directorate of Education, Presidium of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Organization of Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine, University administration of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Berdiansk City Department of Education and Culture, City Mayor and a People’s Deputy of Ukraine;
  • was awarded her Significant Contribution to the Development of the City Medal and Honorary Order for significant personal contribution to the development of the city of Berdiansk.
  • 2015 – was given an honorary title of Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine by the decree of the President.


Scientific publications


  1. Martynenko O.V. Introduction of Means of Creative Improvisation in the System of Choreographic Classes at Primary School / Olena Martynenko // Primary School. – 2012. – № 2. – P. 36-39.
  2. Martynenko O.V. Introduction of Means of Creative Improvisation in the System of Choreographic Classes at Primary School / Olena Martynenko // Primary School. – 2012. – № 3. – P. 31-32.
  3. Martynenko O.V. Introduction of Means of Creative Improvisation in the System of Choreographic Classes at Primary School / Olena Martynenko // Primary School. – 2012. – № 6. – P. 24-28.
  4. Martynenko O.V. Training Specialists to Teach the School Course of Choreography in the System of Primary Education // Bulletin of Cherkasy University. Series: Pedagogical Sciences – Issue No. 3 (216): Cherkasy: B. Khmelnitsky ChNU, 2012. – P. 70-74.
  5. Martynenko O.V. Means of Popularizing Regional Peculiarities of Dance Folklore into the Practice of Children’s Choreographic Groups // Scientific and methodical journal New Pedagogical Thought, № 2 (70): Rivne: RSPU, 2012. – P. 201-205.
  6. Bieriesniev O., Martynenko O. Patriotic Education of Children by Means of Ukrainian Folk Dance // Pedagogy and Psychology: Traditions and Innovations: Kharkiv: East Ukrainian organization ‘Centre for Pedagogical Research’, 2012. – P. 6-7.
  7. Martynenko O.V. Modern Approaches to Running Choreography Classes with Preschool-Age Children // International Pedagogical Situations: Environmental Problems in the Modern World // Collection of scientific works / Berdyansk State Pedagogical University; compiled by I.H. Uliukaieva. – Donetsk: LONDON-XXI, 2012. – P.171-176.
  8. Martynenko O.V. Establishing Relationships among Children and Parents by Means of Choreography // Topical Problems of Preserving Psychological Health of the Rising Generation: Proceedings of Demydenko Interuniversity Psychological and Pedagogical Reading. – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2012. – P.43-46.
  9. Martynenko O.V. Educational Game as a Means of Developing the Abilities of Future Choreography Teachers // Educational and Artistic Influence of ContemporaryChoreographic Art on the Development of Creative Abilities of Young People: Tendencies and Prospects for Development: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference and National Seminar on Contemporary Choreography. Lviv, October 19 – 21, 2012 / Compiled by O.A. Plakhotniuk. – Lviv: CTDUG, 2012. – P. 107-112.
  10. Martynenko O.V. The Theory and Methods of Working with a Children’s Choreographic Group: a coursebook / Olena Martynenko. – Donetsk: LANDON-XXI, 2012. – 232 p. (letter №1 / 11 – 4817 dated 10.04.2012).
  11. Martynenko O.V. Means of Activating an Educational Process in the Practice of Work of Children’s Choreographic Groups // Scientific and methodical journal New Pedagogical Thought. – Rivne: RDPU. – № 4 (72), 2012. – P.125-129.


  1. Martynenko O.V. Formation of Friendly Relations among Junior School Age-Children by Means of Choreographic Art / Olena Martynenko // Primary School. – 2013. – № 2. – P. 19-23
  2. Martynenko O.V., Danylova O.Ye. Ukrainian Entertainment. A Program of Choreographic Training for Junior School Age-Children / Martynenko O.V., O.Ye. Danylova// Pozashkillia. – 2013. – № 4 (76). – P. 2-7.
  3. Martynenko O.V. Development of Lessons in the Folk Group of Variety Dance MarLen // Pozashkillia. – 2013. – № 4 (76). – P. 8-28
  4. Martynenko O.V. Psychotherapeutic Possibilities of Jazz Modern Dance // Topical Issues of Preserving Psychological Health of the Rising Generation: Proceedings of Demydenko National Interuniversity Psychological and Pedagogical Reading (Berdiansk, April 23-24, 2013). – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2013. – P.86-89.
  5. Martynenko O.V. Professional Training of a Future Choreography Teacher to Work in a Children’s Dance Group // Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University: Pedagogical Sciences, № 10 (269), May, 2013, part II. – Luhansk: T. Shevchenko LNU, 2013. – P.105-111.
  6. Martynenko E.V. A Quarter-Century Dance / Elena Martynenko // to the 25th anniversary of the folk group of variety dance MarLen. – Melitopol: Publishing house of Melitopol city printing house, 2013. – 138 p.
  7. Martynenko O.V. Round Dances [educational and methodological coursebook on the discipline The Art of a Ballet Master for Students of Training Programme 6.020202 Choreography] / Olena Martynenko. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2013. – 116 p.
  8. Activity of Choreography Section of the Department of Art Disciplines and Teaching Methods at the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Education and Arts at BSPU (academic year 2012-2013) / [Ed.-in-chief Martynenko O.V., N.S. Avetisiants]. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2013. – 124 p.
  9. Martynenko O.V. Innovative Approaches to Socialization of Children under Conditions of Extracurricular Education // Collection of Scientific Papers of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (Pedagogical Sciences, special issue). – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2013. – P.88-97.
  10. Martynenko E.V. Innovative Approaches to Running Choreography Classes in the System of Primary Education // Continuity between Preschool and Primary General Education under Conditions of Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (6-7 February 2013) / Ed.-in-chief M.A. Puylova. – Taganrog, 2013. – P. 114-118.
  11. Martynenko O.V. Methodological Recommendations for Writing and Defending a Term Paper in the Discipline ‘The Theory and Methods of Work with Children’s Choreographic Group’ for Students of Training Programme 6.020202 Choreography / Olena Martynenko. – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2013. – 30 p.
  12. Martynenko O.V. Methodological Recommendations for Writing Master’s Theses in Choreography for Students of Program Subject Area 8.02020201 Choreography / Olena Martynenko. – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2013. – 40 p.
  13. Martynenko O.I. Contact Improvisation with Objects as a Means of Developing Creative Activity of Junior Schoolchildren // The Problems of Development of Modern Choreographic Art and Ways of Their Solution: proceedings of the 3d National Scientific and Practical Conference (Luhansk, December 5-6, 2013). – Luhansk: Publishing House LDACM, 2013. – P. 40-45.


  1. End-to-End Program of Practice of Students of Training Programme 6.020202 Choreography, program subject areas 7.02020201 and 8.02020201 Choreography (as per types) / Ed.-in-chief Martynenko O.V. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2014. – 252 p.
  2. Martynenko O.V. Peculiarities of Application of Parterre Complexes in the Work of Children’s Choreographic Groups // The Problems of Modern Pedagogical Education. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology. – Collection of articles. – Yalta: RVV KSU, 2014. – Issue 44. – Part 4. – P. 127-134.
  3. Martynenko O.V. Means of Adapting First-Year Students to Choreographic Education at Higher Education Establishments // Trends and Prospects for the Development of World Choreographic and Music Arts: Proceedings of the 3d National Scientific and Practical Conference, November 18-19, 2013, Poltava / [Compiled by M.M. Pohrebniak]. – Poltava: V.H. Korolenko PNPU, 2014. – P. 107-110.
  4. Martynenko O.V. Concert Repertoire as a Basis of Teaching, Educational and Artistic Work of a Children’s Choreographic Group // The Problems and Prospects of Choreographic Art Development: Proceedings of the National Scientific and Practical Conference, March 28, 2014, Kherson / [Ed. by V.V. Chuba]. – Kherson: Publishing House IT, 2014 – pp. 59-63.
  5. Martynenko O.V. Ways of Training Future Choreography Teachers in Successful Employment // Creative Searches in the Field of Art and Art Education: Traditions, Modernity and Prospects: Сollection of proceedings of the National Scientific and Practical Conference (March 20, 2014). – Luhansk: SE Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University’, 2014. P. 143-149.
  6. Martynenko O.V. Educational Work in Children’s Choreographic Groups // Art and Education – № 2 (72), 2014. – P. 38-44.
  7. Martynenko O.V. The Formation of the National Consciousness of Junior Schoolchildren by Means of Ukrainian Choreography // Bulletin of Lviv University. Series: Art History. – Issue 14. – L.: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – P. 255-261.
  8. Preschool Child Development Programme ‘I Am in the World” (new version). In 2 parts, p. II. From Three to Six (Seven) / Aksonova O.P., Artemova L.V., Martynenko O.V., et al; scienctific adviser O. L. Kononko. – Kyiv: MCFER Ukraine LLC, 2014. – 452 p. (Choreography Education Line, pp. 332-342, 357-371, 443-449.
  9. Martynenko O.V. Peculiarities of Choreographic Work with 6-7 Year-Old Children under Conditions of a Preschool Educational Establishment // The State and Prospects for Development of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Kyiv, Ukraine, October 3, 2014). – K.: ‘Kyiv Scientific Organization of Pedagogy and Psychology’, 2014. – P. 80-83.
  10. Martynenko O.V. Modern Dance as a Means of Socialization of a Personality // Educational and Artistic Influence of Modern Choreographic Art: Tendencies and Prospects of Development: methodological coursebook / Compiled by O. A. Plahotniuk. – Lviv: CTDUG, 2014. – P. 4-13.
  11. Bohdanov S.R., Martynenko E.V. The School Course of Choreography in the System of Primary Education // Scientific Thought: Traditions and Innovations: Collection of Scientific Works with International Participation. Issue 3 / Ed.-in-chief S.S. Vedykanova, N.F. Hansen. [Electronic Resource. – Electronic Text. data (1.5 Mb). – Krasnodar, 2014. – P. 35-40.
  12. Martynenko O.V. The Theory and Methods of Work with a Children’s Choreographic Group (Preschool Age): a coursebook for students of training programme 6.020202 Choreography / Olena Martynenko. – Berdiansk: Publisher BSPU, 2014. – 301 p.


  1. Martynenko O.V., Kulyhina M.V. The Use of Props in Choreographic Interpretations of Ukrainian Folk Games // Promising Lines of Development of Modern Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences: Book of abstracts of an international scientific and practical conference: (Kharkiv, Ukraine, February 3-14, 2015). – Kharkiv: In 2 parts. East Ukrainian Organization “Centre for Educational Research, 2015. – Part I. – P. 27-30.
  2. Martynenko O.V. Profession Oriented Techniques in Professional Training of a Future Choreography Teacher // Scientific papers / editorial board V. Radul, V. Kushnir, et al. – Issue 139. – Series: Pedagogical Sciences. – Kirovohrad: RVV of V. Vynnychenko KSPU, 2015. P. 90-94.
  3. Martynenko O.V., Maksymeniuk M.S. The Formation of the Feeling of Patriotism in Choreography Lessons by Means of Ukrainian Folk Game // Ukrainian Psychological and Pedagogical Scientific Collection: Scientific Journal / Editor R.P. Novatskyi. – 2015. – № 4 (04). – P. 81-83.
  4. Martynenko O.V. Means of Choreographic Interpretation of Ukrainian Folk Games in the Work of Children’s Choreographic Groups/National Scientific and Practical Conference // The Problems and Prospects of Choreographic Art Development: Proceedings of the National Scientific and Practical Conference, March 27, 2015, Kherson / [Ed.-in-chief Chuba]. – Kherson: Publishing House IT, 2015. – P. 130-138.
  5. Martynenko E.V. Pedagogical Conditions of Forming Pedagogical Skills in 5-6 Year-Old Children at Preschool Establishments: [a monograph] / Elena Martynenko. – Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015. – 213 p.
  6. Martynenko O.V. Methods of Running Choreography Classes in a Children’s Dance Group: a methodological development for Choreography teachers at extracurricular education establishments / Olena Martynenko. – Berdiansk: CCYUC, 2015. – 149 p.
  7. Activity of the Department of Choreography at the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Education and Arts at BSPU (academic year 2014-2015) / [Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko]. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – 128 p.
  8. Means of Diagnosing Academic Achievement of Students as per Training Programme 6.020202 Choreography / Edited by O.V. Martynenko – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – 288p.
  9. Martynenko O.V. Formation of Professional Competence of Future Choreography Teachers under Conditions of a Higher Education Establishment // The Problems of a Modern Teacher Training: collection of scientific papers of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University / [editorial board: Bezliudnyi O.I. (chief editor), et al]. – Uman: PPE Zhovtyi O.O., 2015. – Issue 12, Part 2. – 312 p. (P. 165-174).
  10. Development of an Artistic and Aesthetic World View of Teachers of Art Disciplines Based on the Integrative Approach: a collective monograph / Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – 299 p. (P. 6-49)
  11. Collection of Programs of Normative Educational Disciplines of the Cycle of Professional and Practical Training for Students of Training Programme 6.020202 Choreography / Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – 376 p. (P.11-38, 179-216).
  12. Martynenko O.V. Variability of Approaches to the Classification Characteristics of Round Dances // Bulletin of Lviv University. Series: Art. – P.1. – Issue 16. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2015.



  1. Martynenko O.V., Kulyhina M.V. Development of Dance Creativity of Preschoolers by Means of a Ukrainian Folk Fairy Tale // Current Tendencies and Factors of Development of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences: Proceedings of an international scientific and practical conference (Kiev, Ukraine, February 5-6, 2016). – K.: PO ‘Kyiv Scientific Organization of Pedagogy and Psychology’, 2016. – 148 p. (P. 103-105).
  2. Martynenko O.V. The Use of Amusing Things in Choreographic Work with Preschool Children // Kyiv Scientific and Pedagogical Bulletin. – K.: Kyiv Scientific Organization of Pedagogy and Psychology. – No. 7 (07) 2016. – 213 p. (P. 127-131).
  3. Martynenko O.V. Gymnastics Stick as an Auxiliary Means of Forming a Correct Posture in Children in Choreography Lessons // Theoretical and Methodological, Medical and Biological Aspects in Choreography and Sport: a methodological coursebook / compiled by O.A. Plakhotniuk // O. Plakhotniuk, O. Martynenko, T. Serdiuk, et al. – Lviv: SPOLOM, 2016. – 180 p. (P. 74-82).
  4. Martynenko O.V. The Problem of Training Future Choreography Teachers to Work with Preschool Children // Bulletin of Chernihiv National T.G. Shevchenko Pedagogical University – Issue 135. – Series: Pedagogical sciences / Ed.-in-chief M.O. Nosko. – Chernihiv: CNPU, 2016. – 284 p. (P. 108-112).
  5. Martynenko O.V. Application of Innovative Educational Technologies in Teaching Discipline ‘The Theory and Methods of Work in a Children’s Choreographic Group’ // Choreography of the 21st Century: Artistic and Educational Potential: collection of proceedings of the National Scientific and Practical Conference [compiled by А.М.Pidlypska, Ed. by Yu.V. Trach], Kyiv, April 15-16, 2016 – Kyiv: KNUCA, 2016. – 304 p. (P. 253-258).
  6. Chronicle of Education and Science of Ukraine / Editorial board: Yu.A. Sheremeta (ed.-in-chief), et al. – K.: Alpha-Vita, 2015. – 170 p. (P. 84).
  7. Martynenko O.V. Modern Strategies of Teacher Training to Teach Choreography at Primary School // Modern Strategies for Develoing Choreographic Education: proceedings of the 3d National Scientific and Practical Conference (Uman, June 25, 2016) / editorial board: L.M. Androshchuk (editor-in-chief), L.P. Yatlo, S.V. Kutsenko. – Uman: PPE Zhovtyi O.O., 2016. – 123 p. (P. 49-54).
  8. Martynenko O.V. Peculiarities of Work of a Head of a Children’s Choreographic Group with Parents // Problems and Prospects of Choreographic Art Development in the System of Higher Education: proceedings of the national scientific and practical conference (Kherson, Ukraine, October 2-3, 2016). – Kh.: IT Publishing House, 2016. – 220 p. (P. 77-90). (non-professional edition).
  9. Olena Professional Training of Future Teachers of Choreography in Practical Use of Folklore //Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts Katowice School of Technology Monograph 7. – Сontemporary issues of culture and ARTWydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej w Katowicach, 2016. – 332с. (С. 288-299).
  10. Olena Martynenko. Innovative Approaches to Socialization of Children by Means of Choreography under Conditions of Extracurricular Education // InternationalScientific-Practical: ConferenceActualquestionsandproblemofdevelopmentofsocialsciencesConference Proceedings, June28-30, Kielce: Holy Cross Uneversity. 200 pages (Р. 195-198).
  11. Martynenko O.V. Training Future Choreography Teacher to Work with Folklore Material // Creative Search in the Field of Art and Art Education: Modernity and Prospects: Collection of proceedings of the 11th Regional Scientific and Practical Conference (April 22, 2016). – Collection of scientific works of university teachers, students and postgraduates. – Luhansk: State Establishment ‘Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University’, 2016. – 126 p. (P. 27-36).
  12. Martynenko O., Pedan A. The Contribution of A.K. Sarkisiants, an Outstanding Choreographer of Berdiansk Region, to the Development of Amateur Choreographic Art // Proceedings of the 26th National Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “National Science at the Turn of Epochs: Problems and Prospects of Development”: collection of scientific works. – Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, 2016. – Issue 26. – 328 p. (P. 87-88).
  13. Martynenko O.V. Modern Landmarks of Organization of Choreographic Work with Children under Conditions of a Preschool Education Establishment // Preschool Education in Personalities (to the anniversary of Professor K.Y. Shcherbakova). Scientific edition [Compiled by O.Н. Brezhnevа, L.V. Makarenko]. – Melitopol: Publishing house of Melitopol city printing house, 2016. – 248 p. (P. 183-192).
  14. Olena Martynenko. Modern Approaches to the Use of Choreography in the Practice of Preschool Establishments // Vzdelávanie a spoločnosť medzinárodný nekonferenčný zborník. – Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 2016. – 509 pages (Р. 457-458).
  15. Martynenko 0.I. Ukrainian Folk Games in Choreographic Interpretation / Olena Martynenko // Primary School. – 2016. – № 1. – P. 39-45.
  16. The Theory and Methods of Work with a Choreographic Group for Students: educational coursebook for masters of program subject area 014 Secondary Education (Choreography) / 024 Choreography / Olena Martynenko. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2016. – 392 p.


  1. 65. Martynenko O.V. Historical, Pedagogical and Modern Approaches to Children’s Dance Activity // Bulletin of Lviv University. – Series: Art History. – 2016. – Issue 17. P. 246–254.
  2. 66. Martynenko O.V. Components of Professional and Creative Training of a Future Choreography Teacher // Modern Strategies for Development of Choreographic Education: Proceedings of the 4th National Scientific and Practical Conference (Uman, March 16, 2017) / editorial board: L.M. Androshchuk, I.H. Tereshko, S.V. Kutsenko. – Uman: PPE Zhovtyi O.O., 2017. – 184 p. (P. 83-86).
  3. 67. Martynenko O.V. Training Future Choreography Teachers to Design a Health-Preserving Educational Process in a Future Professional Activity // Art Practices and Art Education in the Cross-Cultural Space of Modernity: Proceedings of the 4th National Scientific and Practical Conference, March 29-31, 2017, Poltava / compiled by M.M. Pohrebniak. – Poltava: Simon publishing house, 2017. – 228 p.
  4. 6 Martynenko O.V. Charming Autumn Classes in Choreography in the Second Form // ‘An Open Step: Developments, Technologies and Experience’ Catalogue. – No. 01/2017 (March 2017).
  5. 69. Martynenko O.V. Search for Innovations to Run Choreography Classes at Primary School // Strategies of Improving the Quality of Art Education in the Context of Changes in the Modern Socio-Cultural Space: Proceedings and theses of the 1st International and Practical Conference (Odesa, October 13-14, 2017) – Odesa: K.D. Ushynskyi SNPU., 2017. – 91 p. (P. 51-55).
  6. 70. Martynenko O.V. Improving the Quality of Health-Preserving Educational Environment during Professional Training of Students of Choreography // Scientific Papers / editorial board: V.F. Cherkasov, V.V. Radul, N.S. Savchenko , et al. – Issue 157. – Series: Pedagogical Sciences. – Kropyvnytskyi: Volodymyr Vynnychenko CUPU, 2017. – 300 p. (P. 92-96). Scopus
  7. 71. Martynenko O.V. Creative Orientation of Professional Training of a Future Choreography Teacher // Training Future Teachers in the Context of Standardization of Primary Education: Proceedings of the National Scientific and Practical Online Conference (Berdiansk, September 14, 2017). – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2017. – (P.370-375).
  8. 72. Martynenko O.V. Dance Repertoire as a Basis for National Education of Pupils in the System of Extracurricular Education // Topical Applied and Practical Problems of Psychological and Pedagogical Science: collection of scientific works of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference (Berdiansk, November 29-30, 2017). – Berdiansk: PO ‘Southeastern Ukrainian Association of Practical Psychologists and Art Therapists’, 2017. – P. 162-167.
  9. 73. Martynenko O.V. Professional and Creative Training of a Student of Choreography under Conditions of a Pedagogical Higher Education Establishment / O.V. Martynenko // Scientific Papers of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogical Sciences: collection of scientific works. – Issue 2. – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2017. – 336 p. (P. 266-271).


  1. 74. Martynenko O.V. The Algorithm of Forming a Scientific Competence of a Future Choreography Teacher // Modern Strategies for the Development of Choreographic Education: Proceedings of the 5th National Scientific and Practical Conference (Uman, March 20, 2018) editorial board: L.M. Androshchuk (Editor-in-Chief), I.H. Tereshko, S.V. Kutsenko (Executive Editor). – Uman: Vizavi centre, 2018. – 102 p. (P. 56-59).
  2. 75. Martynenko O.V. The Experience of Use of a Gymnastics Stick at an Initial Stage of Acquisition of Exercises of Classical Dance // Extracurricular Education: Strategy, Development Prospects and Modern Techniques: [proceedings of the 1st Oblast Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, Sumy, March 23, 2018] / Ed.-in-chief L.V. Tykhenko, S.O. Soma, V.S. Zaiarna. – Sumy: 2018. – 245 p. (P.36-41).
  3. 76. Yefymenko D., Martynenko O., Improvisation as a Trends in Choreographic Art / Proceedings of the 35th International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference ‘The Trends and Prospects for the Development of Science and Education under Conditions of Globalization’: collection of scientific works. – Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, 2018. – Issue 35. – 629 p. (P. 187-189).
  4. 77. Terekhova M., Martynenko O. Peculiarities of Gender Education by Means of Choreographic Art in the System of Extracurricular Education // Proceedings of the 35th International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference ‘The Trends and Prospects for the Development of Science and Education under Conditions of Globalization’: collection of scientific works. – Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, 2018. – Issue 35. – 629 p. (P. 327-329).
  5. 78. The Theory and Methods of Choreography in Questions and Answers: an educational coursebook for Students of program subject area Choreography / group of authors, Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko – Melitopol: PE Skrеbeiko P.V., 2018 – 344 p.
  6. 79. Martynenko O.V. Application of Problem-Based and Search Learning Methods in the Work of Children’s Choreographic Groups // VIRTUS: Scientific Journal / Editor-in-chief M.A.Zhurba – February #21, 2018. – 313 p. (140-145).
  7. Martynenko O.V. Scientific Work of Students of Program Subject Area ‘Choreography’: educational and methodological recommendations / Olena Martynenko. – Berdiansk: Publisher BSPU, 2018. – 205 p.
  8. 80. Martynenko O.V. Choreography as a Means of Improving the Main Components of a Junior Schoolchild’s Health // Training Future Educators in the Context of Standardization of Primary Education: Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific and Practical Internet Conference with International Participation. – Berdiansk, 2018. – 247 p.