Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

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4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Tetiana Furmanova

Senior Lecturer at the Department of the Theory and Teaching Methods of Art Disciplines

Почесна грамота Запорізької обласної ради, за багаторічну сумлінну роботу. Високий професіоналізм, плідну науково-педагогічну діяльність, упровадження сучасних методів навчання й виховання молоді, вагомий особистий внесок у підготовку висококваліфікованих спеціалістів та з нагоди 50-річчя від дня народження (Розпорядження голови обласної ради від 02.07.2019 року № 247-н)
Грамота міністерства освіти і науки України, за багаторічну працю, вагомий особистий внесок у підготовку висококваліфікованих спеціалістів та плідну науково-педагогічну діяльність (Міністр Ганна Новосад)
Медаль «За вагомий внесок у розвиток міста Бердянськ» (08.10.2017 р., міський голова Чепурний В.П.)

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Tetiana Furmanova

1969 – was born in Zaporizhzhia;

1987 – graduated from Melitopol college of culture and education;

1996 – graduated from Kyiv Institute of Culture and obtained a qualification of a Ballet Master and a lecturer in professional disciplines;

1998 – has been on the academic staff of the Department of the Theory and Methods of Preschool Education at BSPI;

2000 – has been teaching professional disciplines in the program subject area ‘Choreography’;

2004 – graduated from the postgraduate school at BSPU.

Tetiana Furmanova

  • has been on the academic staff of the Department of Choreography at BSPU and has been teaching such subjects as the Theory and Methods of a Classical Dance, Modern Approaches to a Classical Dance, the Theory and Methods of Teaching a Classical Dance, Direction of Theatrical Performances, Fundamentals of Acting Mastery, Improvement of Choreographic Skill, etc.;
  • in the scientific field, researches the topic of  ‘Development of Professional Mastery of Future Choreography Teachers in the Process of Independent Work under the supervision of O.V. Martynenko, a PhD in Pedagogy, an Associate Professor;
  • exercises a supervision of a student scientific study group that works on the scientific problem “The Art of a Classical Dance. Search and Achievements”. According to the results of their work, the students publish scientific abstacts and articles and speak at scientific conferences;
  • constantly supervises term papers, graduate qualification and master’s theses in program subject area ‘Choreography’;
  • balances her scientific and teaching activity with the job of the artistic director of the House of Culture of Berdiansk Raiahroprompostach PJSC;
  • is the director of many themed as well as concert and entertaining events;
  • is the founder and artistic director of the folk group of variety dance Miridans;
  • has been repeatedly awarded the Certificate of Honour of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University administration for conscientious work and progress in her professional activity; the Certificates of Honour of the City Mayor and Zaporizhzhia Oblast State Administration.


Scientific publications


  1. Furmanova T.I. Independent Work as a Means of Forming Professional Mastery of a Future Choreography Educator. Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2013. – P. 85-92.


  1. Furmanova T.I. Readiness of Future Choreography Teachers to Work Independently during Out-of-School Time. Issues of Modern Pedagogical Education. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology. Collection of articles. – Yalta: RVV KSU, 2014. – Issue 44. – Part 4. P. 233-239.
  2. End-to-End Programme of Practice of Students of Training Programme 6.020202 Choreography, program subject areas 7.02020201 and 8.02020201 Choreography (as per types) / Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2014. – 252 p.
  3. Furmanova T.I. Peculiarities of Using the Main Movement during Organizing Students’ Independent Work in Classical Dance Lessons. Trends and Prospects for the Development of World Choreographic Art: proceedings of the 3d National Scientific and Practical Conference, November 18-19, 2013, Poltava / [Compiled by M.M. Pohrebniak]. – Poltava: V.H. Korolenko PNPU, 2014. – 208 p.


  1. Furmanova T.I. An Educational Programme of the Discipline ‘Breathing in Choreography’. Collection of educational programmes for students as per training programme 6.020202 Choreography / Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko. Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – 9 p.
  2. Furmanova T.I. An Educational Programme of the Discipline ‘The Theory and Methods of a Classical Dance’. Collection of educational programmes for students as per training programme 6.020202 Choreography / Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko. Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – 15 p.
  3. Furmanova T.I. An Educational Programme of the Discipline ‘Direction of Theatrical Performances’. Collection of educational programmes for students as per training programme 6.020202 Choreography / Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko. Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – 15 p.
  4. Furmanova T.I. Tests on the Discipline ‘The Theory and Methods of a Classical Dance’. Collection Means of Diagnosing Academic Achievement of Students as per Training Programme 6.020202 Choreography / Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko. Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – 10 p.
  5. Furmanova T.I. Interdisciplinary Relationships as a Means of Improving Professional Mastery of a Future Choreography Teacher. A collective monograph / Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – 20 p.


  1. 10. Furmanova T.I. Formation of Professional Competence of Future Choreography Teachers. Bulletin of the Chernihiv National Pedagogical University “Series: Pedagogical Sciences”. TG Chernihiv National Pedagogical University Shevchenko, 2016. – P. 139-144.
  2. 11. Furmanova T.I. Recording of Combinations of Classical Exercises in the Context of Professional Training of a Future Choreography Teacher / Scientific Discussion: Issues of Pedagogy and Psychology: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, – K.: PO ‘Kyiv Scientific Organization of Pedagogy and Psychology’, 2016. – P. 59-62.


  1. 12. Furmanova T.I. The Theory and Methods of a Classical Dance. The Theory and Methods of Choreography in Questions and Answers: an educational coursebook for Students of program subject area Choreography / a group of authors, -in-chief O.V. Martynenko: O.V. Martynenko, T.I. Serdiuk, T.I. Furmanova, R.V. Pavlenko, Yu.P. Taranenko – Melitopol: PE Skrеbeiko P.V., 2018 – 344 p.