Suchikova Yana Olexandrivna
Vice-Rector for Research
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Нагрудний знак «За наукові та освітні досягнення»
Нагрудний знак «Відмінник освіти України» (наказ МОН України №660к від 31.12.2014 р.)
Диплом лауреата премії Президентського фонду Леоніда Кучми «Україна» Фестивалю інноваційних проектів (від 12.12.2012 р.)
Диплом фіналіста Фестивалю інноваційних проектів «Sykorsky Challenge - 2012»
Диплом лауреата 1 премії конкурсу наукових фотографій Державного фонду фундаментальних досліджень за фотороботу «Кам’яна квітка»
Диплом 3го ступеня за перемогу у конкурсі проектів «Молодь і суспільство. Від соціальної ініціативи до дієвих кроків» за інноваційний проект «Організація виробництва сонячних елементів»
Диплом переможця Всеукраїнського конкурсу «Винахід – 2010» (від 27 квітня 2011 р.)
Academic degrees:
- Sc. Physics and mathematics, – Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Ukraine, 2006;
- Sc. Civilian security: Health, Safety Engineer, – National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine (Ukraine), 2016;
- Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Physics of semiconductors and dielectrics, 2013.
- Doctor of technical sciences, Standardization, certification and metrological assurance, 2019
Academic career:
- Mathematics teacher, Berdyansk boarding school, 2005-2006;
- Researcher, BSPU, 2006-2008;
- Assistant Professor, BSPU, 2008-2012;
- Senior Lecturer, BSPU, 2012-2014;
- Associate Professor, BSPU, since 2014.
Research and post-graduate experience:
- Deputy dean of physical and mathematical and technological education BSPU of research and international activities of educational and social work, 2013-2016;
- Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council of the Faculty FMTE BSPU, 2014-2016;
- Expert Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for examination of state budget research projects of young scientists, since 2016;
- President Council young scientists BSPU, since 2016;
- Public safety inspector BSPU, since 2017;
- Organized 2 conferences with more than 350 participants, coordinated a large number of special sessions;
- learning training program “Development of Innovative Business” and certified (TP series number 3207NMK “IPO”), 2012;
- training program training “to attract potential investors” and received a certificate (Certificate Development of Innovative Business (Traiding and Methodical Complex “Institute for Continuing Education”)), 2013;
- Certificate of Excellence for specialists departments of higher educational institutions of Ukraine on intellectual property, 2016.
- Author and head of innovation: “The production of porous phosphide indium”, “Organization of production of solar cells,” “Photovoltaic energy converters based on nanostructured materials for energy efficiency and energy saving state”, “Nanostructured materials for supercapacitors as the basis of energy efficiency and energy saving state” “NanoArt – science as art”.
Research interests:
- nanoctructured materials;
- energy saving technologies; alternative energetics;
- ecological safety;
- nanomaterials for solar energy.
Previous funding / grants:
- Scholarship Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists, 2011-2013;
- Presidential prize fund of Leonid Kuchma “Ukraine” Festival innovative projects;
- Nanostructured semiconductors for energy efficient environmentally friendly technologies that increase the level of energy efficiency and environmental safety urbosystemy, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine), Grant: 0116U006961 (Principal Investigator, Supervisor), since 2016.
- Development of technology for the evaluation of quality and safety indicators of nanotechnologies products throughout their life cycle” (State Registration Number 0117U003860).
- Excellence in Education of Ukraine, 2014;
- Diploma of Education and Science of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration, 2011;
- Mayor Diploma for contribution to the development of youth policy, 2015;
- Diploma laureate of Presidential fund of Leonid Kuchma “Ukraine” Festival innovative projects, 2012;
- Diploma winner 1 prize competition of scientific images of the State Fund for Fundamental Research;
- Diploma winner of the All-Ukrainian contest “Invention – 2010”, 2011
List of major publications:
- Suchikova, Y. Provision of environmental safety through the use of porous semiconductors for solar energy sector [Text] / Y. Suchikova // Eastern-European Journal of Eenterprise Technologies. – 2016. – № 6/5 (84) – Р. 26–33.
- Suchikova, Y.A. Influence of dislocations on the process of pore formation in n-InP (111) single crystals [Text] / Y.A. Suchikova, V.V. Kidalov, G.A. Sukach //Semiconductors. – 2011. – 45(1). – Р. 121–124.
- Suchikova, Y.A. Preparation of nanoporous n-InP (100) layers by electrochemical etching in HCI solution [Text] / Y.A. Suchikova, V.V. Kidalov, G.A. Sukach // Functional Materials. – 2010. – 17(1). – Р. 131–134.
- Sychikova, Y.A. Dependence of the threshold voltage in indium-phosphide pore formation on the electrolyte composition [Text] / Y.A. Sychikova, V.V. Kidalov, G.A. Sukach // Poverkhnost’. Rentgenovskie, Sinkhrotronnye i Neitronnye Issledovaniya. – 2013. – No. 7. – P. 25–30.
- Suchikova, Y.A. Influence of the carrier concentration of indium phosphide on the porous layer formation [Text] / Y.A. Suchikova, V.V. Kidalov, G.A. Sukach // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. –2010. – 2(4). – Р. 75–81.
- Suchikova, Y.A. Synthesis of indium nitride epitaxial layers on a substrate of porous indium phosphide [Text] / Y.A. Suchikova // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2015. – Vol. 7, Is.3. – Р. 03017-1 – 03017-3.
- Suchikova, Y.A. Usage of porous indium phosphide as substrate for indium nitride films [Text] / Y.A. Suchikova, V.V. Kidalov, A.A. Konovalenko, G.A. Sukach // ECS Transactions. – 33(38) – 2011. – Р. 73–77.
- Suchikova Y.A. Blue shift of photoluminescence spectrum of porous InP [Text] / Y.A. Suchikova, V.V. Kidalov, A.A. Konovalenko, G.A. Sukach // ECS Transactions. – 2010. – 2010. – Vol. 25(24). – pp 59–64
- Suchikova, Y.A. Effect of the type of electrolyte ànion on the porous InP morphology obtained by the electrochemical etching [Text] / Y.A. Suchikova, V.V. Kidalov, G.A. Sukach // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2009. – Vol. 1, Is.4. – pp. 111–118.