Ihor T. Bohdanov
The Rector of BSPU is a DSc in Education
A Professor at the Department of Technological Education and Technologies of the Faculty of Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Technological Education of BSPU, the head of the Specialized Academic Council for PhD Thesis Defense of BSPU (K 18.09.21).
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He was born on March 6, 1967 in Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia oblast.
In 1991, he graduated from V.Ya. Chubar Machine-Building Institute of Zaporizhzhia with a first-class honours degree in the specialty ‘Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises, Cities and Agriculture’ and in 1999 − P.D. Osypenko State Teachers’ Training Institute of Berdiansk in the specialty ‘Psychology’.
Ihor Bohdanov has been working at the P.D. Osypenko State Teachers’ Training Institute of Berdiansk since September 1991. During 1991–2001, he held different managerial positions as at the structural units of the Institute: the head of the Youth Computer Center, the head of the Economic Center, the head of the Centre for Occupational Retraining and Refresher Courses and the head of the Department of Technical Disciplines.
Since 1992 Ihor Bohdanov worked as an assistant lecturer, since 1995 − a senior lecturer, since 2004 – an associate professor and since 2010 − a professor at the Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics. In 2011, he was appointed Head of the Department of Technical Disciplines of the Faculty of Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Technological Education.
In 2003, Ihor Bohdanov successfully defended his PhD thesis Methods of Teaching General Physics at Faculties of Non-physical Specialties at Higher Educational Pedagogical Institutions at the specialized academic council D. 26.053.03 at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University and received his PhD in Education diploma in specialty 13.00.02 – The Theory and Methods of Teaching (Physics). In 2006, he was given the title of an associate professor of the Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics.
In 2010, Ihor Bohdanov successfully defended his doctoral thesis Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Formation of Physical and Technical Knowledge in the Process of Professional Training of Future Physics Teachers at the specialized academic council D.26.053.06 at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University and awarded his doctorate in Education in specialty 13.00.02 − the Theory and Methods of Teaching (Physics). In 2011, he was given the title of a professor of the Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics.
In 2010, Ihor Bohdanov was appointed a pro-rector for Scientific Research of BSPU. During his continuance in this post at BSPU, for the first time in the history of the university, a doctoral school was opened (in 2011), the list of research specialties in the postgraduate and doctoral schools was expanded, two Specialized Academic Councils for PhD Thesis Defense were established (K 18.092.01 and K 18.092.02) and publication of series of scientific collections Scientific Issues of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University was initiated. He is the chairman of the editorial board of the collection Scientific Issues of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University (Pedagogical Sciences). On August 18, 2015, with the assistance of Ihor Bohdanov, the ISSN International Center assigned the unique ISSNs to the serial professional periodicals of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University: Scientific Issues of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. Pedagogical Sciences (ISSN 2412-9208) and Scientific Issues of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. Philological Sciences (ISSN 2412-933X).
On October 1, 2015, he was appointed to the post of First Pro-Rector of BSPU.
In October 2016, Ihor T. Bohdanov was appointed to the post of Rector of BSPU.
He is the head of the Specialized Academic Council for PhD Thesis Defense of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University (K 18.092.01) in specialties: 13.00.02 − the Theory and Methods of Teaching (Physics) and 13.00.04 – the Theory and Methods of Рrofessional Education. He has been a member of the Specialized Academic Councils Д 64.108.01 of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogy Academy for Doctoral / PhD in Education Thesis Defense in specialties 13.00.02 − the Theory and Methods (Technical Disciplines) and 13.00.04 – the Theory and Methods of Professional Education since 2015.
Under the guidance of Professor Bohdanov, Yu.O. Efymenko defended his PhD thesis Methodological Principles of Using Information Technologies in the Process of Studying Physical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering by Future Physics Teachers in specialty 13.00.02 – the Theory and Methods of Teaching (Physics). Ihor Bohdanov is thesis adviser of three postgraduate students at BSPU.
He is the author of more than 140 scientific, educational and methodological publications, in particular, of 12 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The scientific achievements of Ihor Bohdanov have gained wide international recognition, they have been approved by many international conferences (Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, etc.). The results of scientific research have been introduced into the educational process of training specialists not only in Ukraine, but in Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Russia too.
Educational activity
Electrical Engineering and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering.