Olena Kolinko
Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences
Doctor of Philological Sciences (Doctor of Philosophy)
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Comparative Literature Studies; Short story at the turn of the XIX-XX-th centuries, XXth century to the beginning of the ХХІst century; 19th century Russian Literature.
1. Kolinko, O. P. (2002). Stefan Kovaliv. Mala proza kriz pruzmu chazu (suchasna interpretatciiy). Kiev : Znanniy [in Ukrainian].
[Stefan Kovaliv. Short story prose in the light of time (modern interpretation). K.: Knowledge] [in Ukrainian].
2. Kolinko, O. P. (2012). “«Tsilyj svit u krapli vody…»: komparatyvnyj dyskurs ukrains’koi i rosijs’koi novely kintsia XIX– pochatku XX st. Berdians’k: BDPU [“The whole world in a water drop …” : a comparative discourse of the Ukrainian and Russian novels of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Berdiansk: BSPU] [in Ukrainian].
3. Kolinko, O. P. (2018). Ironiya yak zasib modelyuvannya svitu v suchasnij ukrayns’kij i rosijs’kij noveli. Naukovyj visnyk Mizhnarodnoho humanitarnoho universytetu. Seriia: Filolohiia». [Irony as a Means of Modeling the World in Modern Ukrainian and Russian short stories]. Odesa: Vestnik-philology, 32, T. 1, 186 – 190 [in Ukrainian].