Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Dmytro Kamensky

Head of the Department of Law

PhD in Law, Associate Professor

Подяка Міністерства освіти і науки України 2018 р.
Почесна грамота департаменту освіти і науки ЗОДА, 2015 р.
Подяка міського голови, 2017 р.

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Dmitriy Kamensky

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Dmytro Kamensky was born on April 14, 1983 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

In 2004 he graduated with honors from Zaporizhzhya University of Humanities having obtained the qualification of Specialist in Law.

  1. Kamensky obtained Master’s Degree in Tax Law at Georgetown University (Washington, USA) in 2009.

In 2010 D. Kamensky defended his PhD thesis at the Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine (Kyiv), having obtained the degree PhD in Law in the specialty 12.00.08 – Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal Executive Law. PhD thesis topic: “Criminal Liability for Tax Crimes under the US Federal Law.”

In 2013 he obtained Master’s Degree in Administrative Management at the Classic Private University (Zaporizhzhia).

In 2014 PhD thesis was awarded an academic title of Associate Professor of the Criminal Law Department.

The main stages of scientific and pedagogical activit:

2004-2008 – an assistant lecturer, the Criminal Law Departmen, the Azov Regional Institute of Managemen;

2009-2011 – a senior lecturer, the Sectoral Legal Disciplines Department, the Azov Regional Institute of Management affiliated to Zaporizhzhia National Technical University;

2009-2014 – a scientific researcher of the Research Laboratory of Topical Problems of the Criminal Legislation of Ukraine and Criminological and Sociological Studies of E.O. Didorenko Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs;

From 2007 to present – a coordinator of the International Legal Studies Center (Salzburg, Austria) in Ukraine;

From 2014 to present – Associate Professor of the Department of Law, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University.

The disciplines taught in different years: /

I n different years he taught the following disciplines:

  • Economic Crime in Ukraine and the USA
  • Problems in Economic Crime Counteracting
  • Criminal Law
  • Criminal Proceedings
  • Business Crime