Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 66, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Olha Frolova

Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology

PhD in Psychology

Почесна грамота Управління освіти і науки Запорізької облдержадміністрації (2014)
Подяка міського голови Бердянська (2015)
Грамота Бердянського державного педагогічного університету (2012 р.)

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Olha V. Frolova (04 March 1980, the village of Smyrnove, Zaporizhzhia oblast);

2013 – PhD in Psychology;

2016 – Associate Professor;

An Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at Berdiansk State Pedagogical University.

2001 – graduated from the Faculty of Philology of P.D. Osypenko State Teachers’ Training Institute of Berdiansk with a degree in the Ukrainian Language and Literature;

20022011 – a postgraduate of the Institute for Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine as per program subject area 19.00.05 – Social Psychology and Psychology of Social Work;

2010 – has been working at Berdiansk State Pedagogical University and has worked her way up from an assistant to an Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology;

2013 – successfully defended her PhD thesis Ethnic Stereotypes as a Factor in Structuring the Communicative Field of a Personality (thesis adviser – Doctor of Psychology V.O. Vasiutynskyi);

2016 – was conferred an academic title of an Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology;

2017 did a postgraduate qualification in program subject area “Practical Psychology”.

Areas of scientific interest: personal growth and commitment of a person.