Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Valentyna Papanova

PhD in History, Associate Professor

Орден Трудової Слави III ступеня (Наказ Президії ВР СРСР від 20.08. 1986)
Нагрудний знак «Антон Макаренко» (наказ МОН 290-к від 13.05.2009),
Почесна грамота Міністерства освіти України (№45168,1999)
Медаль «З нагоди святкування 15-ої річниці незалежності України» (2006)
Медаль «За вагомий внесок у розвиток міста» (від 17.09.2005)
«Почесний орден міста» (від 13.06. 2008)
Почесні грамоти Запорізької облдержадміністрації (від 16.08.2001 №383, 20.11.2003 №276, 30.07.2012 №251–н)
«Відмінник народної освіти УРСР» (від 27.08.1978 р. №70457)
“Заслужений працівник освіти України” (Наказ № 582 від 05.10.2012)
Орден «За заслуги перед Запорізьким краєм» ІІІ ступеня, 2018

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Ms Papanova was born on June 13, 1953 in the city of Teremno, Teremnivskyi region, Volynska oblast. She graduated from Zaporizhzhya State Pedagogical Institute having obtained the specialty History (1976) and Zaporizhzhya State University having obtained the specialty Law (2002).

In 1994 V. Papanova defended her PhD thesis in the specialized council of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the topic “Olbio Necropolis: Historical Topography and Funeral Rite” (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Architecture, Professor, corresponding member of the S.D. Kryzhytskyi National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) and obtained the Degree of PhD in History in the specialty 07.00.06 – Archeology. Mrs Papanova has published about 80 works on History, Archeology and Local Self-Government. Among them there are “Lectures on History of the State and Law of Ukraine” (a textbook recommended by the Ministry of Science and Education), “The Tract of the Hundred Graves: the Necropolis of Olbia Pontius” (monograph), the Statut of Berdiansk Territorial Community.

Ms Papanova participates actively in national and international conferences on Archeology and Local Self-Government. (Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia).

Since 1973 Valentina Papanova has been a permanent member of Olviya expeditions of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In June 1996, V. Papanova took part in excavations in Organum (Romania) as a member of Ukrainian-Romanian archeological expedition.

The disciplines taught in different years:

  • Foundations of Roman Private Law
  • Private International law
  • Municipal law
  • History of the State and Law of Ukraine and Foreign Countries