Kateryna M. Lemish
an Associate Professor
PhD in Economic Sciences
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From 1995 to 2000 Kateryna M. Lemish studied at the Azov Regional Institute of Management at Zaporizhzhia State University (program subject area “Management of Organizations”, specialization “Management of Trade and Catering”, having obtained the qualification of a manager (Diploma No. 13424674)).
In 2009 she defended her PhD thesis at the Specialized Scientific Council К 12.052.02 of Pryazovskyi State Technical University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the topic “Restructuring of Machine-Building Enterprises on the Basis of Outsourcing” (Diploma DK No. 054186).
In 2011 Kateryna M. Lemish was awarded the title of an Associate Professor (12 DC № 028413).
The disciplines taught in different years: Basics of Management, Strategic Management, Strategic Marketing, State and Regional Management.
Areas of scientific activity: scientific-theoretical foundations of realization of the concept of regional management in modern conditions.