Valentyna Perehudova
Associate Professor of the Department of Labor Education and Technology, Faculty of Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Technological Education, BSPU
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
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1990: basic education – P.D. Osypenko State Teachers’ Training Institute of Berdiansk
Programme subject area: General Technical Disciplines with an additional programme subject area: Mechanization of Agriculture.
Qualification: a teacher of General Technical Agricultural Disciplines and Technological Education.
2000: defence of the thesis The Use of Design and Technological System in Fabric Processing Lessons in the Fifth to Seventh Forms of a Comprehensive School in specialty 13.00.02 – The Theory and Methods of Technological Education (ДК No. 009225).
2005: has been an Associate Professor at the Department of Machine Science (02ДЦ No. 014932).
2011: Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.
Programme subject area: Professional Education. Economics.
Qualification: economist, pedagogue, manager.