Zhyhir Victoria Ivanivna
Dean of the Faculty of Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Technological Education of the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
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Zhyhir Victoria Ivanivna was born on 9 January. In 1992 she graduated from V.Ya. Chubar’ Zaporizhzhia Machine-Building Institute, specialty “Electric Machines”, in 1996 – Berdiansk State Pedagogical Institute, specialty “Labor Training”. In 1997 – Berdiansk Institute of Entrepreneurship, specialty “Business Economics”.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences since 2001. Associate Professor of Professional Pedagogy and Methods of Labor Training since 2005.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences since 2015. Professor of the Department of Vocational Education since 2016.
Worked as an assistant at the Department of General Technical Disciplines of Berdiansk State Pedagogical Institute; senior lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Service Work of Berdiansk State Pedagogical Institute; associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Service Work of BSPU; head of the Departments of Professional Pedagogy and Methods of Labor Training, Professional Pedagogy and Methods of Professional Training, Professional Education of BSPU.
Since 2016, Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, Computer and Technology Education.
Basic training courses: “Methodological principles of vocational education”, “Didactic foundations of vocational education”.
Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Academic Council D 18.092.01 at Berdiansk State Pedagogical University for the defense of theses for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the following specialties: 13.00.02 – Theory and Methods of Teaching (Physics); 13.00.04 – Theory and Methods of Vocational Education.
Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (since July 2010).
She was awarded diplomas by the Rector of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, Department of Education and Science of Ukraine of Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Has about 150 publications.
- Zhigir V. I., Chernega O. A. Professional pedagogy: textbook. Kyiv: Condor, 2012. 336 p. (Seal of the Ministry of Education and Science, letter № 1 / 11–2762 dated April 2, 2010)
- Zhigir V. I. Didactic bases of professional education: textbook. Berdiansk: BSPU, 2017. 201 p.
- Zhigir V. I. Methodological principles of professional education: textbook. Berdiansk: BSPU, 2017. 143 p.
- Zhigir V. I. Theory and methods of educational work in professional education: textbook. Berdiansk: BSPU, 2019. 250 p.
- Zhigir V. I. Professional and pedagogical competence of an education manager: theoretical and methodological aspects: monograph. Berdiansk: Publisher O. V. Tkachuk, 2014. 624 p.
- Zhigir V. I. Integration of the content of pedagogical and managerial training of a future teacher as an education manager. Pedagogy of creative personality formation in higher and general education schools: coll. scien. works; [editor: T. I. Sushchenko (editor in chief) and others]. Zaporizhzhia: CPU, 2015. Issue. 41 (94). Pp. 132–139.
- Zhigir V. I. The specifics of integrated special courses in the training of future education managers. Scientific Notes of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. Pedagogical sciences: coll. scien. works. Berdiansk: indiv. entrepr. O. V. Tkachuk, 2015. Issue. 2. P. 71–79.
- Zhigir V. I. The essence and content of leadership competence of a future education manager. Bulletin of Chernihiv National Pedagogical University. Series “Pedagogical Sciences”: coll. scien. works. Chernihiv: Taras Shevchenko ChNPU, 2015. Issue 130. P. 34–37.
- Zhigir V. I. Making management decisions in the professional activities of the education manager. Problems of modern teacher training: coll. scien. works. Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. [ed. O. Bezliudny]. Uman: indiv. entrepr. O. Zhovtiy, 2015. Issue 12, Part 1. P. 279–287.
- Zhigir V. I. Model of formation of professional and pedagogical competencies of future education managers. Pedagogy of creative personality formation in higher and general education schools: coll. scien. works. / [ed. T. I. Sushchenko and others]. Zaporizhzhia: CPU, 2015. Issue. 43 (96). Pp. 122–130.
- Zhigir V. I. Components of basic psychological and pedagogical competence of future education managers. Bulletin of Zaporizhia National University. Series: Pedagogical sciences. Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizhzhia National University. 2015. №2 (25). Pp. 122–129.
- Zhigir V. I. Study of the state of professional and pedagogical competencies’ formation in future education managers. Youth and the market: scientific and pedagogical journal. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. 2015. № 9 (128). Pp. 15–19.
- Zhigir V. I. Professional reflection and its role in the professional activity of an education manager. Youth and the market: scientific and pedagogical journal. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. 2015. № 10 (129). Pp. 29–34.
- Zhigir V. I. Experimental study of the professional and pedagogical competencies’ formation. Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies: a collection of scientific works. Sumy: Sumy State Pedagogical University, 2015. №7 (51). Pp. 452-461.
- Zhigir V. I. Readiness formation for professional activity of the future education manager. Scientific works of Donetsk National Technical University. Series “Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology”: coll. scien. works. Krasnoarmeysk: Donetsk National Technical University, 2015. Issue. 2 (17). Pp. 46–53.
- Zhigir V. I. Methodological approaches as a basis of scientific and pedagogical research in vocational education. Pedagogy of creative personality formation in higher and general education schools: coll. scien. works. / [T. I. Sushchenko and others]. Zaporizhzhia: CPU, 2016. Issue. 48 (101). Pp. 107–115.
- Zhigir V. I. Didactic features of career competence formation of future specialists in the process of their professional training. Youth and the market: scientific and pedagogical journal. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. 2016. № 6 (137). Pp. 18–22.
- Zhigir V. I. Features of research work of vocational education undergraduates in higher education. Youth and the market: scientific and pedagogical journal. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. 2016. № 7 (138). Pp. 15–22.
- Zhigir V. I. About some conditions of professional training of the competitive teacher in high school. Scientific works of DonNTU: coll. scien. works. Series: “Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology”. 2017. № 1 (20). Pp. 34–39.
- Zhigir V. I. Development of educational and methodical complexes in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards of the new generation. Youth and the market: scientific and pedagogical journal. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. 2017. № 5 (148). Pp. 20–24.
- Zhigir V. I. Assessment of professional competence as a result of future teachers’ training. Youth and the market: scientific and pedagogical journal. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. 2017. № 7 (150). Pp. 16–19.
- Zhigir V. I. Features of assistant practice of pedagogical specialties’ masters. Youth and the market: scientific and pedagogical journal. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. 2017. № 10 (153). Pp. 11–14.
- Zhigir V.I. The essence and features of the pedagogical cases’ use in the training of future teachers. Scientific journal of NPDU. Series 16. Creative personality of the teacher: problems of theory and practice. Kyiv: National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. 2017. Issue 29 (39). Pp. 106–109.
- Zhigir V. I. Application of pedagogical tasks in professional training of future teachers. Scientific notes of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. Ser. : Pedagogical sciences. 2017. Issue 3. P. 168–172.
- Zhigir V.I. Components of a teacher’s information culture. Physical and mathematical education: scientific journal of Sumy A.S. Makarenko State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, editor-in-chief. : О.В. Semenikhina (ed.) [Etc.]. Sumy: Sumy A.S. Makarenko State Pedagogical University, 2019. Issue 2 (20). Part 2., P. 109–114. DOI: 10.31110 / 2413-1571-2019-020-2-032.
- Starokozhko O. M., Kryzhko V. V., Zhigir V. I. Transversal nature of polyparadigmatic educational space. Scientific Bulletin of the National Mining University. 2020. № 3. P. 191‒195. (indexed in Scopus) (URL: http://www.nvngu.in.ua/index.php/uk/vidavnitstvo/1845-ukrcat/arkhiv-zhurnalu/2020/zmist-3-2020).
Research interests
Educational and pedagogical management; the problem of future education managers’ training in universities; various aspects of master’s training of future teachers.