Alla Khatko
Senior Lecturer
Ph.D of Pedagodical Scienses
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1996: graduated from the secondary school № 10 of Berdyansk with honors.
2001: graduated from the Berdyansk State Pedagogical Institute on the specialty “Physics and Fundamentals of Informatics”, qualification – “Teacher of Physics and Fundamentals of Informatics”.
2009: post-graduated from the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University by profile 13.00.02 – Theory and Methodology of Computer Science Education.
2010: master’s degree with honors “Professional training. Computer technologies in management and education” with qualification “Computer Technology Engineer, Teacher, Researcher in the field of Computer Technologies”, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.
2011: master’s degree “Pedagogy of the Higher Education” with qualification “University Lecturer”.
2012: Ph.D of Pedagodical Scienses, “Formation of computer competence of future engineers-pedagogues of the computer profile”, specialty 13.00.04 – Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education (scientific advisor – Ph.D of technical sciences, prof. Vitaliy Mezhuyev).
2001-2003: teacher of physics and computer science in Berdyansk secondary school №1.
2002-2003: teacher of computer science in gymnasium №1 “Nadiya”.
2003-2006: assistant professor at the Department of Computer Systems and Networks at the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (BDPU).
2006 – 2012: senior lecturer in the Department of Computer Systems and Networks at BDPU.
2012-2014: senior lecturer in the Department of Informatics and Program Engineering at BDPU.
2014-2017: senior lecturer in the Department of Vocational Education at BDPU.
From 2017: senior lecturer in the Department of Computer Technologies in Management and Teaching and Computer Science at BDPU.
Since January 2013: Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Methodical Board of the All-Ukrainian NGO “Ukrainian Federation of Horting”. In July 2013 she was awarded the title of Master of Sport of Ukraine from Horting. Included in the editorial board of a professional collection of scientific works of the Institute for the Education of NAPN of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Horting Federation “Theory and Method of Horting”.