Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Larysa Horbatiuk


кандидат педагогічних наук

Грамотами ректора БДПУ (2002, 2010, 2015, 2019)
Почесна грамота управління освіти і науки Запорізької облдержадміністрації (2011)
Почесна грамота Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України (2012)
Грамота Міністерства освіти і науки України (2016)
Нагрудний знак "Відмінник освіти" (2020)


Larysa Vasylivna Horbatiuk in

1993 – graduated from P.D. Osypenko Berdiansk State Pedagogical Institute, majoring in Technological Education, Computer Science and Computing Machinery with the qualification of a teacher of Technological Education, Computer Science and Computing Machinery;

2010 –  completed her Master’s degree course in Professional Education. Computer Technologies in Management and Education, qualification – a Computer Technologies Engineer, Pedagogue, Researcher in the field of Computer Technologies at Berdiansk State Pedagogical University;

2014 – defended her thesis The Formation of the Content of Training Future Engineer Teachers in Analytical Activity in Automated Systems of Production and Training Management at Specialized Academic Councils K 64.108.01 at Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy (Kharkiv). PhD in the Theory and Methods of Teaching (Technical Disciplines) – specialty 13.00.02.

Educational activity

Teaches such academic disciplines as:

  • Engineering and Computer Graphics,
  • The Theory of Information and Encoding,
  • Computer and Analytical Activity,
  • Methods of Teaching Computer Science.


Research activity

The author of more than 60 scientific as well as teaching and educational works, including 4 monographs and 3 coursebooks.


Scientific interests

  • Modern educational technologies,
  • professional training of future engineer teachers of computer-related specialties,
  • professional training of future Computer Science teachers.



  1. Bardus I.O., Khomenko V.H., Alieksieieva H.M., Horbatiuk L.V. et al. The Problem of Formation of Analytical Activity Skills in Training Future Engineer Teachers in the Field of Computer Technologies // Theoretical and Methodical Aspects of Training Future Engineer Teachers: a monograph. – Donetsk: LANDON-XXI, 2013. – 267 с. – С. 181–198.
  2. Khomenko V.H., Pavlenko M.P., Pavlenko L.V., Horbatiuk L.V. et al. The Essence and Structure of Analytical Activity as a Leading One for Future Engineer Teachers in the Field of Automation and Computer-Oriented Technologies // Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Training Future Engineer Teachers in the Field of Automation and Computer-Oriented Technologies. Edit. by V.H. Khomenko – Donetsk: LANDON-XXI, 2014 – 329 p. – P. 48-67.
  3. Khomenko V.H., Pavlenko M.P., Pavlenko L.V., Horbatiuk L.V. et al. Methodological Aspects of Formation of Knowledge and Skills of Analytical Activity on the Basis of Professional Analysis in Future Engineer Teachers // Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Training Future Engineer Teachers in the Field of Automation and Computer-Oriented Technologies Edit. by Khomenko V.H. – Donetsk: LANDON-XXI, 2014 – 329 p. – P. 151-176.
  4. Lazariev M.I., Khomenko V.H., Horbatiuk L.V. The Formation of the Content of Training Future Engineer Teachers in Analytical Activity in Automated Systems of Production and Training Management. – Donetsk: LANDON-XXI, 2015. – 194 p.
  5. Larysa V. Horbatyuk Using mobile applications for studying foreign languages ​​in institutions of higher education // Technologie innowacyjne w tworzeniu i rozwój kapitału ludzkiego. Edited by Iryna Ostopolets, Paweł Mikos. Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts, Katowice School of Technology. Monograph 16. Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Techniczne w Katowicach, 2018, 269 p. – p.184-197. ISBN: 978-83- 947093-6-5 (in co-authorship with Natalia V. Kravchenko).



  1. Horbatiuk L.V., Kovalenko D.V. Methods of Training Future Engineer Teachers in Computer and Analytical Activity in Management and Teaching Systems: a coursebook [for students of program subject area 6.010104 Professional Education. Computer Technologies in Management and Education]. – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2011. – 193 p.
  2. Horbatiuk L.V. A Term paper in Method of Teaching Computer Science: for applicants for the first (Bachelor) level of higher education of program subject area 6.040302 Computer Science. – Berdiansk, BSPU, 2018. – 48 p.
  3. Khomenko V.H., Kravchenko N. V., Horbatiuk L.V. A Graduation Qualifying (Degree) Thesis: a coursebook for applicants for the first (Bachelor) level of higher education of program subject area 6.040302 Computer Science. – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2018. – 52 p.


Articles included in the scientometric databases of Web of Science and Scopus

  1. N. Kravchenko, H. Alekseeva, L. Gorbatiuk Curriculum Optimization by the Criteria of Maximizing Professional Value and the Connection Coefficient of Educational Elements, Using Software Tools // CEUR Workshop Proceeding. – 2018. – Vol 2105. – P. 365–378.