Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

The History of the Department

The history of the Department of Physics of the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University actually begins with the organization in November 1932 in the city of Berdyansk of the State Institute of Social Education among the four faculties of which there was a technical and mathematical faculty. In 1933, the Institute of Social Education was reorganized into the Pedagogical Institute, and in 1934 it opened a teacher’s institute within which was the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The purpose of the technical and mathematical faculty, and later the physics and mathematics faculty, was to ensure the industrialization of the country, which required a significant improvement in the quality of training in the natural and exact sciences both in school and in higher education.

The physics and mathematics faculty included the department of physics, whose heads were consistently:

Syromyatnikov Alexey Afanasievich (1944-1960; 1970-1978)

Grigorov Kuzma (1960-1965)

Stavrulov Georgy Mikhailovich (1965-1967; 1984-1987)

Tuhvatullin Raif Safuilovich (1967-1970)

Goncharenko Igor Borisovich (1980-1984)

Nadezhda Boris Panteleyevich (1987-1990)

Kotlyarevsky Mark Borisovich (1990-1993)

Guryanov Vitaliy (1993-1997)

Rogozin Igor Viktorovich (1997-1999)

Andrey Lazarenko (2007-2011)

Kydalov Valerii Vitaliyovich (1999-2007, 2011-…)

In connection with the reorganization of the structure of the Institute from 1972 to 1992, the Department of Physics (called “Department of Physics and Informatics”) acted in the faculty of training teachers of general technical disciplines, providing training for graduates in the specialty “Work and Physics”.

The work of the Department of Physics and Informatics within the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics has resumed since June 1992. The department provided training for teachers in the specialties: “Physics”, “Mathematics” and “Work, Informatics and Computer Engineering”.

The Department of Physics and Methods of Physics Teaching was created by combining 2 departments – the Department of Physics and partially the Department of Methods of Teaching Physical and Mathematical Disciplines and Information Technologies in Education in 2016.