The Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics
Address: 4 Schmidta St., Room 106, Building 1А, Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia oblast, 71112
Instagram: @only_fizika
The department is graduation for the specialties:
014.09 Secondary education (Physics)
Qualification: Physics and Astronomy Teacher (Bachelor)
014.09 Secondary education (Physics)
Qualification: Teacher of physics and mathematics
105 Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
The list of disciplines of the department:
Astrophysics and Cosmology
Selected Questions of Physics School Courseb
Electricity and magnetism
Experimental methods of solid state physics
Quantum electrodynamics
Classical mechanics
Quantum mechanics
Laboratory Workshop on School Physical Experiment
Materials of electronic engineering
Methods of teaching physics in high school
Methods and technologies of teaching physics
Methods of teaching physics in classes with advanced study of physics
Methodology and methods of scientific research
Modeling of physical processes by means of modern programming systems
Semiconductor nanostructures
Basics of the scientific research
Fundamentals of Radio Electronics
Fundamentals of the theory of elasticity and plasticity
Workshop on solving physical problems
PPP profile teaching physics
Modern technologies of teaching physics and astronomy
Modern methods of physical research
Theory and methodology of teaching physics
The theory of defects in semiconductors
Theoretical Physics
Physical Workshop in SOA
Physics of nanoparticles and nanosystems
Solid state physics
Physics of nonlinear processes and phenomena
Fundamental models of physical reality
Atmosphere and hydrosphere physics
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
There are educational laboratories at the department:
Laboratory of optics
Laboratory of Electrical Engineering
Computer lab
Laboratory of Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Laboratory of electricity and magnetism
Laboratory of Mechanics, Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics
Study of physics teaching methods
Laboratory of luminescence
Vacuum engineering laboratory
Laboratory of Electron Microscopy
Laboratory chip technology
Cabinet of electronics
State budget topics were implemented and implemented at the department
“Physico-technological principles of obtaining porous A3B5 compounds and instrument structures based on them” (2012-2013).
«Development of technology for obtaining quantum-size structures and nanostructured materials and research of their properties» (2015-2017).
“Chalcogenide Glass and Polymer Composites as Materials for Creating Photonic Elements” (2017-2019).
The department regularly runs a scientific and methodological seminar. Leading teachers of the department lead the development of scientific and technical creativity of students. There are two scientific circles at the department: “Radioelectronics” and “Nanophysics and Nanomaterials”. Our students participate in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Physics.
The Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics cooperates with the following institutions:
VE Semiconductor Physics Institute Lashkaryov NAS of Ukraine.
Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Precarpathian National University. Vasily Stefanik.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Contact Information: Aud. A106 (1), Bldg. 1a, vul. Schmidt, 4 m. Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhya region Ukraine, 71100