Svitlana M. Khatuntseva
Professor of the Department of biology, human health and physical rehabilitation of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Human Health at BSPU
DSc in Education
Почесна грамота Управ. освіти і науки запорізької облдержадміністрації (2012)
Грамота запорізької облдержадміністрації (2013)
Подяка МОН України (Нак. № 120-к від 31.03.2017)
Почесна грамота ректора (2019)
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The sphere of scientific interests: physiology of higher nervous activity, anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, developmental physiology and valeology, adaptation of a first-time teacher to professional and pedagogical activity in a higher education establishment, formation in future teachers the readiness for self-improvement in the process of individualization of professional training.