Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 66, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Natalia Mikhailenko





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In 2017 graduated from Berdyansk State Pedagogical University with the degree in “Social Pedagogy” and received the qualification “Teacher of Social Pedagogy. Practical Psychologist of Educational Institutions”.

Work Activity

From 2015 to 2017 was working as a social worker (from 2017 as a coordinator) in the mobile brigade in Berdyansk which is known to be provided social and psychological assistance to the victims of violence of the framework of the project “Strengthening the Humanitarian Response to the Needs of the Most Vulnerable Categories of Women and Adolescent Girls in a Situation of Armed Conflict in Eastern Ukraine: Strengthening of the Interagency System for the Prevention and Elimination of Gender-based Violence and Access to Reproductive Health Services”, which realized by International Charitable Foundation “Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health” and supported by UNFPA (since 2017 implemented Zaporizhzhya Regional Organization “Association of Psychologists and Psychiatrists” Interaction and Supported by UNFPA).

Total Experience of Practical Activity: 2 years.

The Spheres of Scientific Interests: the problem of preventing gender-based violence in Ukraine.

Certification Training

Passed the training course “Organization of Military Assistance and HPE” in the framework of the project “Community of Self-Help” (certificate, 2015);

Passed the training course for members of mobile brigades of the prevention of gender-based violence and provision of social and psychological services in the framework of the project “Strengthening of the Humanitarian Response to the Needs of the Most Vulnerable Categories of Women and Adolescent Girls in Conditions of Armed Conflict in Eastern Ukraine. (certificate, 2015, 2016);

Passed a training course “Minimum Standards for the Protection of Children’s Rights in Humanitarian Actions” (ZOBF “Smile child”) (certificate, 2016);

Passed a training course “The Development of the Mobile Teams’ Ability to Provide Psychological Support to ATO Veterans, Including Prevention of Gender-based Violence in their Families” in the project “Strengthening the Capacity of Ukrainian Communities to Admit Internally Displaced Persons” (certificate, 2016, 2017);

Passed a training course “Inclusion or Exclusion of Positive People” (BO “Network 100% of Life in Zaporozhye.” (Certificate, 2017).

Teaching Disciplines

  • Formation of Interethnic Culture Relations among Student Youth;
  • Social Work in the Education System.