Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Olha Hurenko

the First Vice Rector of BSPU

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

From 2005 to 2007 was receiving a scholarship of The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists.
In 2005 was awarded with the breastplate “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”.
In 2009 was awarded with the sign “Anton Makarenko“.
In 2010 was awarded with the diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the personal creative contribution in improvement of study process and upbringing of youth on the XII International exhibition of educational institutions “Modern Education in Ukraine – 2010”.
In 2013 was awarded with the honorable diploma for the active work with introduction of pedagogical innovations in educational process on International Exhibition “Modern Education Institutions”.
In 2015 received Gold Medal in the nomination “Innovations in a Development of International Cooperation and Presentation of National Education in World and European Educational and Scientific Spacious” on the Sixth International Exhibition “Modern Education Institutions -2015” as the member of the project team
In 2017 was awarded with charter of The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.



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In 1997 was graduated from Faculty Board of Pre-School Upbringing of the Berdyansk State Pedagogical Institution named by P. Osipenko.

In 2005 defended her candidate’s dissertation “Formation of Ethnocultural Competence of Students of Pedagogical University in Conditions of the Polyethnic Environment” (scientific supervisor – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor G. Burma) of the specialty 13.00.04 – Theory and Methodic of Professional Education.

In 2007 was got the second high education degree of the speciality “Social Pedagogy” on the base of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.

In 2008 received the academic status of Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy.

In 2015 was defended doctoral dissertation “Theoretical and Methodic Bases of Polycultural Education of Future Social Pedagogues” (scientific consultant – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor K. Bakhanov) of the speciality 13.00.04 – Theory and Methodic of Professional Education.

In 2018 received the academic status of Professor of the Department of Social Work and Inclusive Education.

Work Activity

From 1997 is been working in Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Passed the way from assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor, deputy dean, leader of The Scientific Department of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University to the First Vice Rector of BSPU.

From 2015 to 2016 headed the Department of Social Pedagogy.

From 2016 is been working as the First Vice Rector of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.

Total Experience of Pedagogical Activity: 21 years

The Spheres of Scientific Interests: social pedagogues’ and social workers’ professional training in the conditions of polycultural society, specifics of introduction of polycultural and inclusive education in Ukraine.

The author of more than 120 scientific publications, including 6 monographs and 3 tutorials, which were published with a Griffin of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, articles in periodicals, which are included in science databases Scopus and Web of Science.

From 2011 is a member of Specialized Academic Council K 18.092.01 of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.

From 2014 is a member of International Academy of Humanization Education.

  1. Hurenko was scientific supervisor of 1 candidate dissertation: O. Ilishova – “Upbringing of Culture of Teenagers’ Interethnic Relationships in Out-of-school Educational Institutions” of the specialty 13.00.07 – Theory and Methodic of Upbringing.

Actively involved in the development of student’s science in the fields of “Social Pedagogy”, “Social Work”, “Inclusive education”. Scientific supervisor of student’s scientific works – winners of All-Ukrainian competitions.

Certification Training

In 2014 was passing an internship in Universities Hildesheim and Bremen (Germany), University of Vienna (Austria).

In 2015 was raising qualification of the “Social work” program in National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (the certificate: 12SPV 040100 dated 25.11.2015); was passing an internship in Link Campus University  (Rome, Italy).

Social Activity

From 2003 O. Hurenko is been heading of students’ ethnographer group “Native Land”.

From 2011 is been cooperating with City and District Departments of Education Concerning the Questions of Inclusive Education, with Department of Organization Work and Inside Politics of  the Executive Committee of the Berdyansk City Council Concerning the Questions of Nationalities And Ethnocultures.

From 2013 to 2016 – was the coordinator of European Project TEMPUS-IV “Training of teachers and educational managers to work with heterogeneous groups and organizations”.

The initiator of different social measures events in the University and Berdyansk city such as Social and Pedagogical Quests, Brain-rings, Flashmobs, Actions etc.

Teaching Disciplines

  • Inclusive Education;
  • Professional Education in the Conditions of Inclusion.