Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

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4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Svitlana Zhvanenko

an Associate Professor

PhD in Economic Sciences

Почесна грамота Департаменту освіти і науки Запорізької облдержадміністрації (2018 р.)



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In 2002 Svitlana Zhvanenko graduated with honors from Berdyansk State Pedagogical Institute, the Department of Physics and Mathematics, majoring in Mathematics and Fundamentals of Computer Science, and obtained the qualification of a teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science.

In 2005, she graduated from Master Program at the Azov Regional Institute of Management as per program subject area “Organization Managemen”t, having obtained her Master Degree in Economics.

In 2012, S. Zhvanenko raised the level of her professional skills at the Inter-branch Institute of Postgraduate Education and Retraining of Specialists of Poltava University of Economics and Trade in the course “Methods of Teaching Subjects in Higher Education”, where she worked on the following topics: “Innovative Teaching Technologies”, “Organizational Forms of Training in Higher Education”, “Statistics”.

In 2016-2018 S. Zhvanenko was a postgraduate student of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. In 2018, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Modeling of Innovation and Investment Development of the Economy of the Resort and Recreational Systems”, specialty 08.00.11 ˗ “Mathematical Methods, Models and Information Technologies in the Economy”, a scientific superviser ˗ Head of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Finance, Doctor of Economics, Professor Pavlo V. Zakharchenko.

From 2003 to 2004 S. Zhvanenko was working as a Lecture at the Azov Regional Lyceum teaching the discipline “Programming in the SI Language”, as an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Information Support of the Azov Regional Institute of Management of Zaporizhzhia National Technical University (ARIU ZNTU).

From 2010 to 2012 S. Zhvanenko worked as a Lecture at the Department of Mathematics and Information Support, the Department Finance, the Department Management of Hotel, Resort and Tourist Service of ARIU ZNTU.

Since 2018 S. Zhvanenko has been working as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Finance of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.

Areas of scientific interests: economic-mathematical modeling of innovation and investment development of the economy of resort-recreational systems.

S. Zhvanenko is an author and co-author of 30 scientific publications, including 1 textbook, 11 scientific articles, 4 collective monographs.