Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 66, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Student Circles and Clubs

Harmonious personal development is facilitated by nurturing moral and cultural qualities in student youth, organizing cultural leisure, and promoting the creative talents of students. At Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, various circles and clubs operate, which help realize students’ creativepotentialand create a space for collaboration, interaction, and partnership between students, teachers, practitioners, and scientists, considering the principle of student-centeredness. Students have opportunities for active and diverse development in physical culture, sports, human health, sports programming, creative design; conversational, gaming, reading, and psychological clubs and forum theater. All those interested can enroll in summer and winter camps, a volunteer school, an educational-speech therapy laboratory, dancing and historical circles, listen to a literary guide and print their works in the student almanac. At the same time, students, teachers, staff, and all enthusiasts have equal rights and opportunities.