Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Rector's reception office:


4, Schmidta St., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia  oblast Temporarily moved to: 55А, Zhukovs`ki St., Zaporizhzhia

Yuliia P. Taranenko

PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer at the Department of the Theory and Teaching Methods of Art Disciplines

(11 квітня 1985 р., м. Бердянськ Запорізької області) – кандидатка педагогічних наук, доцентка кафедри хореографії та фітнесу факультету фізичної культури, спорту та здоров’я людини, фахівчиня в галузі професійної підготовки майбутніх хореографів, керівниця танцювального гуртка-методист у закладі позашкільної освіти, голова громадської організації «Асоціація випускників-хореографів Бердянського державного педагогічного університету.

Медаль «За вагомий внесок у розвиток міста Бердянськ» (міський голова О.А.Бакай, 8 вересня 2015 р.)
Грамота міністерства освіти і науки України, за активу участь у міжнародній діяльності БДПУ (ректор Т.І.Богданов, 2019 р.)
Почесна грамота за сумлінну працю на освітянській ниві, особистий внесок у розвиток творчих здібностей дітей і молоді та з нагоди 20-річчя спеціальності «Хореографія»
Грамота відділу освіти виконавчого комітету Бердянської міської ради, за зразкове виконання службових обов’язків, ефективне сприяння формуванню та забезпеченню реалізації державної політики у сфері освіти в місті Бердянську, вагомий внесок у розвиток позашкільної освіти, результативне представництво відділу освіти виконавчого комітету Бердянської міської ради на Міжнародному, Всеукраїнському, обласному рівні за підсумком освітнього процесу 2018-2019 навчального року (Начальник відділу освіти В.М.Липський, наказ відділу освіти виконавчого комітету Бердянської міської ради від 10.05.2019 № 88-к)
Грамота міністерства освіти і науки України за захист кандидатської дисертації (ректор І.Т.Богданов, 2018 р.)
Грамота Бердянського державного педагогічного університету, за вагомий особистий внесок у справу розвитку науки й освіти, активну громадську діяльність та високий професіоналізм (Голова Ради молодих учених БДПК Я.О.Сичікова, 2018 р.)
Грамота Бердянського державного педагогічного університету, за популяризацію сучасної науки та активну наукову діяльність (Голова Ради молодих учених БДПУ Я.О.Сичікова, 2017 р.)
Грамота за активну життєву позицію, вагомий внесок у розвиток молодіжної політики та з нагоди Дня молоді (Міський голова В.П.Чепурний, 2017 р.)
Грамота відділу освіти виконавчого комітету Бердянської міської ради, за сумлінну працю, зразкове виконання службових обов’язків, ефективне сприяння формуванню та забезпеченню реалізації державної політики у сфері освіти в місті Бердянську, вагомий внесок у розвиток позашкільної освіти, результативне представництво відділу освіти виконавчого комітету Бердянської міської ради на Міжнародному, Всеукраїнському, обласному рівні за підсумком освітнього процесу 2017-2018 навчального року (Начальник відділу освіти В.М.Липський, наказ відділу освіти від 05.05.2018 № 98-к)
Грамота міністерства освіти і науки України, за сумлінну працю та з нагоди Дня працівників освіти (Ректор В.А.Зарва, 2015 р.)
Грамота міністерства освіти і науки України, за активну участь у науковій діяльності БДПУ (ректор Т.І.Богданов, 2017 р.)

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Yuliia Taranenko

April 11, 1985 – was born in in Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia oblast;

2002 – having finished secondary school, received complete general secondary education and was awarded her silver medal for high academic achievement;

20022007 – studied at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, received a full higher education as per program subject area ‘Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education. Choreography. Preschool Education’ and obtained her qualification of a Teacher of Choreography, Ethics and Aesthetics; a teacher of preschool-age children (honours degree);

2008 – completed her Master’s degree course with honours and obtained a qualification of a Ballet Master and a lecturer in Methods of Work with Children’s Choreographic Group, and a Choreography teacher;

2008 – was appointed to the post of a lecturer at the Department of Music Education and Choreography of BSPU.


Yuliia Taranenko

  • has been teaching such subjects as Parterre Gymnastics, The Theory and Techniques of a Modern Dance, Modern Plasticity and Modern Trends in Choreography;
  • constantly improves her choreographic training by attending masterclasses of leading choreographers of Ukraine and from abroad:

○ October 2007 – gained a certificate after attending Geraldine Armstrong’s (England – France) Masterclass on Jazz Dance – FreeStyleJazz in Kyiv;

○ 2009 – gained a certificate, after attending O. Budnytska’s Training Seminar on Modern Dance in Dnipropetrovsk;

○ November 2010 – participated in the Second International Scientific and Methodological Seminar ‘Trends in the Development of Contemporary Choreography’ at Luhansk State Institute of Culture and Arts;

○ 2013 – successfully completed her theoretical and practical course on the intensive methods of studying contemporary choreography in Zaporizhzhia;

  • has 10 years of teaching service;
  • has some experience of working with a children’s choreographic group:

○ 2003 – has been working at Berdiansk Centre for Children and Youth Creativity as a Choreography educator at the folk group of variety dance MarLen;

○ 2009 – gave a masterclass for heads of choreographic groups and students on the theme Plot-Based Choreographic Lessons with Small Children;

  • 2009 – was a member of the jury at the city festival of teacher’s amateur activities;
  • 2012 – gained a certificate of improvement of her professional skills by profession ‘Heads of Out-of-School Institutions’;
  • takes an active part in various events that take place at the Faculty and University;
  • has been repeatedly awarded the Certificates of Honour of the Pro-Rector for Educational Work at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Berdiansk City Department of Education and Culture and the City Mayor;
  • December 28, 2017 – defended her PhD thesis on the theme Training Future Choreography Teachers for the Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren at Specialized Academic Councils for PhD Thesis Defence K 18.092.01 at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (thesis adviser – L.V. Koval, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor).


Scientific publications


  1. Taranenko Yu.P. Peculiarities of Interpersonal Relationships in a First-Year Students’ Group // Topical Problems of Preserving Psychological Health of the Rising Generation: Proceedings of Demydenko Interuniversity Psychological and Pedagogical Reading (Berdiansk, April 23-24). – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2012. – P.29 – 32.
  2. Taranenko Yu.P. Projections of the Development of Choreographic Abilities of Children in a Dance Group // ​​Methodological recommendations for heads of choreographic groups. – Berdiansk: BCCYC, 2012. – 27 p.


  1. Taranenko Yu.P. The Problem of Training Future Choreography Teachers for the Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren in Psychological and Pedagogical Literature // Education and Development of a Gifted Person: [scientific and methodological journal]. – Kyiv: The Institute of a Gifted Child of NAPS of Ukraine. – 2014. – No. 5 (24). – P. 16–19.
  2. Taranenko Yu.P. Development of Creative Abilities of Junior School-Age Children in Choreography Lessons // Issues of Modern Pedagogical Education: [collection of articles]. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology. – Yalta: RVV KSU, 2014. – Issue 44. – Part 4. – P. 203–208.


  1. Taranenko Yu.P. An innovative Aspect of the Formation of Future Choreography Teachers’ Positive Motivation for the Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren // Issues of Training a Modern Teacher: [collection of scientific works of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University] / [editorial board: Bezliudnyi O.I. (chief editor), et al]. – Uman: PPE Zhovtyi O.O., 2015. – Issue 12, Part 2. – Issue 12, Part 2. – P. 106–113.
  2. Taranenko Yu.P. The Theory and Methods of a Modern Dance // Means of Diagnosing Academic Achievement of Students as per Training Programme 6.020202 Choreography / Edited by O.V. Martynenko. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – 288 p. – P.112-120.
  3. Taranenko Yu.P. The Model of Training Future Choreography Teachers in the Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren // Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Rural Schools: [collection of scientific works of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University / [editorial board: Bezliudnyi O.I. (chief editor), et al]. – Uman: PPE Zhovtyi O.O., 2015. – Issue 53. – P. 63–71.
  4. Taranenko J. Psychological-Pedagogical Fundamentals of Training Future Teachers of Choreography for the Development of Artistic-Creative Abilities of Primary School Pupils // Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology. – Vol. ІІІ (25). – Budapest, 2015. – Р. 21–25.
  5. Taranenko Yu.P. Formation of Future Choreography Teachers’ Motivation for Developing Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren // Issues and Prospects for Development of Choreographic Art: [proceedings of the National Scientific and Practical Conference]; (Kherson, March 27, 2015). – Kherson: Publishing house IT, 2015. – P. 236–243.
  6. Taranenko Yu.P. The Theory and Methods of a Modern Dance // Collection of Programs of Normative Educational Disciplines of the Cycle of Professional and Practical Training for Students of Training Programme 6.020202 Choreography / Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko]. – Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2015. – P. 103–118.
  7. Taranenko Yu.P. Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren in Jazz Modern Dance Lessons // The Modern System of Education and Upbringing: Experience of the Past – a Look into the Future: [proceedings of an international scientific and practical conference]; (Kyiv, October 2-3, 2015). – K.: PO ‘Kyiv Scientific Organization of Pedagogy and Psychology’, 2015. – P. 35-38.


  1. Taranenko Yu.P. Structural Components of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren // Pedagogical Sciences: [collection of scientific works]. – Kherson: Helvetika Publishing House, 2016. – Issue LXX. Volume 1. – P. 59-64.
  2. Taranenko Yu.P. Training Future Choreography Teachers to Work with Junior School-Age Children // Issues and Prospects of Development of Choreographic Art in the System of Higher Education: [proceedings of a national scientific and practical conference]; (Kherson, March 25, 2016). – Kherson. : ITP Publishing House, 2016. – P. 180–192.
  3. Taranenko Yu.P. A Creative Approach to the Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren in the Professional Training of Future Choreography Teachers // National Science at the Turn of Epochs: Issues and Prospects for Development: [proceedings of the 27th National Scientific and Practical Internet Conference] (Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, November 17, 2016). – Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, 2016. – Issue 27. P. 326-328.
  4. Taranenko Yu.P. Competence Approach in the Process of Professional Training of Future Choreography Teachers // Science and Youth in the 21st Century: [proceedings of an international youth scientific and practical internet conference]; (Poltava, December 1-2, 2016). – Poltava: PUET, 2016. – Part 2. – P. 197–199.
  5. Taranenko Yu.P. The Role of a Game in the Development of Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren in Choreography Lessons // The Role of Education in the Formation of Life Values ​​of Young People: [proceedings of the National Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists]; (Melitopol, December 2, 2016); [Ed. by Doctor of Philosophy, Prof. R. Oleksenko]. – Melitopol: Publishing house of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 2016. – P. 242–244.


  1. Taranenko Yu.P. Structural Components of Creative Competence of Future Choreography Teachers // Modern Development Strategies of Choreographic Education: [proceedings of the Fourth National Scientific and Practical Conference]; (Uman, March 16, 2017). – Uman: PPE Zhovtyi O.O., 2017. – P. 135–139.
  2. Taranenko Yu.P. Professional Training of Future Choreography Teachers in the Context of Development of Art Pedagogy // Scientific Papers of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University: [collection of scientific works]. Series: Pedagogical Sciences: – Issue 1. – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2017. – P. 215-221.
  3. Taranenko Yu.P. The Use of a Personal Example of a Lecturer at a Pedagogical Higher Education Institution in Training Future Choreography Teachers // Science of the Third Millennium: Search, Problems and Prospects: [proceedings of the First Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference] (Berdiansk, April 20-21, 2017). – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2017. – Part 2. – P. 182–184.
  4. Taranenko Yu.P. Person Oriented Approach in the Process of Professional Training of Future Choreography Teachers in the Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren // Artistic Practices and Art Education in the Cross-Cultural Space of Modernity: proceedings of the 4th National Scientific and Practical Conference, March29-31, 2017, Poltava / [compiled by M.M. Pohrebniak]. – Poltava: Simon publishing house, 2017. – 228 p. – P. 180-182.
  5. Taranenko Yu.P. Pedagogical Conditions for Training Future Choreography Teachers in the Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren // Training Future Educators in the Context of Standardization of Primary Education: proceedings of the National Scientific and Practical Online Conference. – Berdiansk, 2017. – 480 p. – P. 403-408.
  6. Taranenko Yu.P. Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren in the Process of Choreographic Activity: [an educational and methodological coursebook]. – Melitopol: PE Skrеbeiko P.V., 2017. – 84 p.


  1. Taranenko Yu. P., Yaroshenko Yu.V. Dance Performances in the Contemporary Choreographic Art // Science of the 3rd Millennium: Search, Issues, Prospects: [proceedings of the Second International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference (April 25-26, 2018)]: book of abstracts. – Berdiansk: BSPU, 2018. – Part 1. – 333 p. – P.100-102.
  2. Koval L.V., Taranenko Yu.P. The Artistic and Pedagogical Phenomenon of Training Future Choreography Teachers // The Artistic and Pedagogical Phenomenon of Training Future Choreography Teachers [a monograph]. – Melitopol: Publishing house of Melitopol city printing house, 2018. 249 p.
  3. Yu.P. Taranenko Pedagogical Conditions of Training Future Choreography Teachers in the Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Junior Schoolchildren // Training Future Educators in the Context of Standardization of Primary Education: proceedings of the Second National Scientific and Practical Internet Conference with International Participation. Berdiansk, 2018. P.242-246.
  4. Taranenko Yu.P. Development of Creative Individuality of Junior Schoolchildren in Choreography Lessons // Formal and Informal Education in Terms of Ivan Ziaziun’s Pedagogy of Good – Poltava: АСМІ LLC, 2018. – 133 p. – P. 104-106.
  5. Taranenko Yu.P. The Use of Means of Aesthetic Therapy in Choreography Lessons // Extracurricular Education: Strategy, Prospects for Development and Modern Techniques: proceedings of the 1st Oblast Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, Sumy, 2018 – 405 p. – P. 98-103.
  6. Taranenko Yu.P. The Theory and Methods of a Modern Dance // The Theory and Methods of Choreography in Questions and Answers: an educational coursebook for Students of program subject area Choreography / a group of authors, Ed.-in-chief O.V. Martynenko: O.V. Martynenko, T.I. Serdiuk, T.I. Furmanova, R.V. Pavlenko, Yu.P. Taranenko – Melitopol: PE Skrеbeiko P.V., 2018 – 344 p.